Hi Valter,
Le 27/12/2020 à 20:14, Valter Mura a écrit :
> Hi All
> FYI, a warning appears in the LibreOffice UI - 7.1, which can be viewed in
> the
> following link:
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/projects/libo_ui-7-1/
> instsetoo_nativeinc_openofficewindowsmsi_languages/#ale
Hi Stanislav,
Le 28/12/2020 à 17:59, Stanislav Horáček a écrit :
> Hi,
> could someone of Weblate administrators delete the Czech glossary for
> the Help project?
> I've added the same glossary for both UI and Help originally, but now -
> when their glossaries are shared - I get duplicated it