On 10.12.2020 7.56, kees...@libreoffice.org wrote:
sophi schreef op 09.12.2020 10:21:
Hi all,
For information, following the decision of the Board of Directors, the
LibreOffice Online project on Weblate has been locked.
> Hi Sophie
> Thanks or the information, but what does that mean?
Hi Sophie
Thanks or the information, but what does that mean?
Greetings, Kees
sophi schreef op 09.12.2020 10:21:
Hi all,
For information, following the decision of the Board of Directors, the
LibreOffice Online project on Weblate has been locked.
Sophie Gautier so...@libreof
First of all, thanks to the few communities that have replied in due
time. As we would like to get all requests from all communities, we have
extended the deadline to December 20, in order to have the budget ready
in early 2021 (attention: no further delays).
We are asking native language communit
Hi all,
For information, following the decision of the Board of Directors, the
LibreOffice Online project on Weblate has been locked.
Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Foundation coordinator
The Document Foundation
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