yes, I agree.
With these external hard-drives, it's quite simple to save whatever
to these, taking mere seconds to so do as well.
From: Michael Bauer
Date: Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice on the cloud - Open365
To: anne-ology , l10n@global
The site is still not functional. I could not yet see any content in the
files. -e.
On 24 April 2016 at 15:24, Alexander Werner
> Hi,
> the file translation statistics are currently updating, so it might take
> some time to show the translation state for languages, projects, files and
Hi everyone!
To me, cloud stuff solves an emergency or works as backup. But as
day-to-day thing to use every day and for every purpose... no,
My thoughts,
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Well, the answer to both in a sense is "in circumstance which at the
moment force you on to Google Docs or Office 365". While I agree that
the cloud is over-hyped, it has it's uses. And as always, regular
backups are the thing, because whether the cloud or your local system,
stuff *will* get fr
silly is as silly does;
although now I have some questions:
(1) when would one use LO on-line?
(2) if one places everything on-line, then when these satellites
falter - or fail - how would one retrieve their data?
to me, this 'only being on-line' think