Thank you very much michael
LibreOffice is our first priority as it is going to be used throughout most
government offices. We might later contribute to Mozilla too.
Thanks for the cooperation
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 5, 2015, at 8:57 PM, Michael Bauer wrote:
> Hi Israr,
please confirm:
wbr, sb
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Hi Israr,
Welcome! I have set up Pashto for you and have given your account full
rights so you can also approve new localizers for Pushto. Let us know if
you have any questions but it sounds like you're pretty much on top of
it. Other than that, happy translating!
Sgrìobh Israr Ahma
Dear Localization Team,
I am Israr Ahmad, Director for ICT and eGovernance at the Office of
the President of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
I was the lead open source advocate in Afghanistan. We organized many
open source conferences and workshops in Kabul and other major cities
of Afghanistan