Hi all,
There are untranslated AutoText files in LibreOffice 4.2 RC2 (Russian).
How to reproduce:
Start Writer, go to menu Edit, Auto Text.
There are untranslated items in list on the left:
- Business Cards, Work (3 1/2 x 2)
- Only for Templates
- Standard
and their subtrees.
These items come fr
Hi Joan, Elke, all
I'm not a developer, and I don't know how this is managed, but
shouldn't this locale dependent strings be taken from Unicode CLDR?
2013/11/29 Eike Rathke :
> Hi Joan,
> On Friday, 2013-11-22 11:30:38 +0100, Joan Montané wrote:
Hello Andras
Em 13-01-2014 06:37, Andras Timar escreveu:
> Maybe it is a regression caused by languagetags. Could you please file a
> bug with an example? Unfortunately I cannot tell the difference between
> pt-PT and pt-BR. :)
> Regards,
> Andras
Done: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug
2013/11/29 Eike Rathke
> ...
> The actual replacement is determined from the locale data that is not
> subject to pootle. In this case
> i18npool/source/localedata/data/ca_ES.xml Markers QuotationStart/End and
> DoubleQuotationStart/End, or see
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/t
On 2014.01.13. 1:22, Olivier Hallot wrote:
> Hi Christian, Andras
> The latest RC2 for Windows has the pt-BR interface mixed with pt-PT,
> when installed as typical instalation
> I can't see a specific pattern, since some words are pt-BR and other are
> pt-PT in the same menu.
> However, I mo
On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Mateusz Zasuwik wrote:
> Hey
> We have similar problem with Polish translations. It include a few German
> words discovered by accident. I can repair it manually, but how can I find
> and filter all non-Polish strings?
Run a diff against latest pre/release?
We have similar problem with Polish translations. It include a few German
words discovered by accident. I can repair it manually, but how can I find
and filter all non-Polish strings?
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