Ok, thanks for answer.
Dana 18.11.2013. 19:41, Rimas Kudelis je napisao:
Yes you can. English locale uses "one" instead of "%d", because
because that is the only case when that plural form is used. But you
can always use any placeholders you see in other plural forms of that
same string.
Yes you can. English locale uses "one" instead of "%d", because because
that is the only case when that plural form is used. But you can always
use any placeholders you see in other plural forms of that same string.
2013.11.18 15:20, Mihovil Stanic rašė:
On that same example link, can y
On that same example link, can you use %d in first sentence also?
In croatian 1, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61... use same plural form, so I can't
write Oneas word, it needs to be number.
Best regards,
Dana 18.11.2013 14:07, Andras Timar je napisao:
On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Mateusz Zasu
On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Mateusz Zasuwik wrote:
> Hey
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/pl/android/translate.html#unit=41419252
> Why there are 3 fields and should I put there "\n" at the end of row? When
> I didn't, all words are in one line and it is not compatible with s
2013/11/18 Joan Montané :
> Hi all,
> 2013/11/18 Anton Meixome
>> Andras,
>> Can you setup galician too?
>> You know, Google Play Store is not available on my language but others
>> with free software and more cultural sensibility, have
>> it. Google Spain (Madrid) is blocking service in
Why there are 3 fields and should I put there "\n" at the end of row? When
I didn't, all words are in one line and it is not compatible with source
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Hi all,
2013/11/18 Anton Meixome
> Andras,
> Can you setup galician too?
> You know, Google Play Store is not available on my language but others
> with free software and more cultural sensibility, have
> it. Google Spain (Madrid) is blocking service in galician, since years)
> My hope ...
Can you setup galician too?
You know, Google Play Store is not available on my language but others
with free software and more cultural sensibility, have
it. Google Spain (Madrid) is blocking service in galician, since years)
My hope ... I'm talking f-droid repository
2013/11/18 Andra