El 14/04/12 12:52, Andras Timar escribió:
Andreas Mantke asked me to put main page of Extension site
(http://extensions.libreoffice.org/) in Pootle. It is in the Website
project. Please translate the page, I will pull translations from
there regularly, let's say once a month.
Andreas, you c
Slovenian is 100% translated, could you please add it as a gui
language to the Extensions site? Thanks.
lp, m.
2012/4/14 Andras Timar :
> Hi,
> Andreas Mantke asked me to put main page of Extension site
> (http://extensions.libreoffice.org/) in Pootle. It is in the Website
> project. Please tra
Czech translation is done. But to add to the above post by Oliver, the
wording in a few messages (not only the above mentioned one) is far
from optimal, even a non-native English speaker like me can notice
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In the following string
LibreOffice remains committed to providing users with quality software
authored under http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html";>free software
licenses, and, as such, our catalogue of extensions and templates
are publi
I added Latvian to both projects, but please note the Extensions
module is out of date and nobody pulls translations from there.
2012/4/14 Rūdolfs Mazurs :
> Hello,
> can you add to Latvian language both modules Website and Extensions for
> LibreOffice?
> S , 2012-04-14 12:52
can you add to Latvian language both modules Website and Extensions for
S , 2012-04-14 12:52 +0200, Andras Timar rakstīja:
> Hi,
> Andreas Mantke asked me to put main page of Extension site
> (http://extensions.libreoffice.org/) in Pootle. It is in the Website
> project. P
Andreas Mantke asked me to put main page of Extension site
(http://extensions.libreoffice.org/) in Pootle. It is in the Website
project. Please translate the page, I will pull translations from
there regularly, let's say once a month.
Andreas, you can see the status here: