On 01/04/2012 18:19, Rimas Kudelis wrote:
Hello Rhoslyn,
2012.04.01 19:16, Rhoslyn Prys rašė:
Could we set up a Welsh language website for LibreOffice, please?
Could other elements such as Extenstions Terminology and website also
be set up in Pootle. We've got some catching up to do...
2012.04.06 19:17, Martin Srebotnjak rašė:
Probably it should be Central European and not Slavic ...
Yeah. Lithuanian uses Č too, and is definitely not Slavic. ;)
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OK, I guess we need to rename this bug from:
FILESAVE: Save as RTF loses characters after Slovenian/Slavic č character
FILESAVE: Save as RTF loses characters before/after special Slavic characters
Would that be OK?
Lp, m.
2012/4/6 khagaroth :
> (Damn, I was in the middle of editing the above
Probably it should be Central European and not Slavic ...
2012/4/6 Martin Srebotnjak :
> OK, I guess we need to rename this bug from:
> FILESAVE: Save as RTF loses characters after Slovenian/Slavic č character
> to
> FILESAVE: Save as RTF loses characters before/after special Slavic characters
(Damn, I was in the middle of editing the above post and lost a
sentence due an accidental click on send)
I added a new test file to the bug, with that file after a Save as,
all the accented letters disappear.
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Confirmed with Czech language.With that test file, all the accented
letters disappear after resaving the file.
On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Milos Sramek wrote:
> Dňa 06.04.2012 13:26, Martin Srebotnjak wrote / napísal(a):
>> Hi,
>> yesterday I noticed this bug:
>> https://www.libreoffice
Dňa 06.04.2012 13:26, Martin Srebotnjak wrote / napísal(a):
yesterday I noticed this bug:
I ask Slavic l10n teams (maybe it affects only latin-based ones) for
help to check if they see the same behaviour also with their text with
yesterday I noticed this bug:
I ask Slavic l10n teams (maybe it affects only latin-based ones) for
help to check if they see the same behaviour also with their text with
"č" and "Č" characters.
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