Hi Andras,
I understand your position. I think that the Oracle movement means
they want put code out of GPL for a hipotetical future developpement
(propietary, of course).
This and too that they perhaps want split the developpers community
atracting corporative interest to an OOo supported by Apac
Probably you've read the news, OOo code and trademarks were given to
Apache Foundation. For details start reading
and here: http://www.gnome.org/~michael/b
Le 2011-06-01 11:48, Andrea Pescetti a écrit :
Marc Paré wrote:
The extensions site is still working, but it is an Oracle run site
It isn't (even though it must be the fifth time or so that I have to
write this, so you are in good company in thinking wrong!). See the same
thread you linked to,
Marc Paré wrote:
> The extensions site is still working, but it is an Oracle run site
It isn't (even though it must be the fifth time or so that I have to
write this, so you are in good company in thinking wrong!). See the same
thread you linked to, namely
Hi Michael
Le 2011-06-01 10:51, Michael Bauer a écrit :
I'm not sure what the politics are and I'm not that interested to be
honest. But I have a practical problem - LO links to the OO extensions
site, which has also been down for almost as long as the OO Pootle site.
Is there something
I'm not sure what the politics are and I'm not that interested to be
honest. But I have a practical problem - LO links to the OO extensions
site, which has also been down for almost as long as the OO Pootle site.
Is there something in the pipeline for a separate extensions site? Or