On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 3:31 AM, Rimas Kudelis wrote:
> 2011.02.21 19:15, Nguyen Vu Hung rašė:
>> Try to start the server under valgrind, do *something* and/or wait until
>> server hangs, then stop valgrind.
>> You will see if is there any memory leaked :))
> Nguyen, if Pootle keeps misbehavi
2011.02.22 10:21, Dwayne Bailey rašė:
On 2011-02-21 21:24, Rimas Kudelis wrote:
Hi Dwayne,
2011.02.20 18:40, Dwayne Bailey rašė:
On 2011-02-20 12:53, Rimas Kudelis wrote:
2011.02.20 11:40, leif rašė:
Hi all,
I have a small question about the merged files on Pootle. We can see
that there is
2011.02.22 10:11, Samphan Raruenrom rašė:
We happen to start working on LibreOffce localization. The Thai community
would like to use Pootle for LibreOffice translation. However, according to
Pootle is currently not used for Thai. In
> Von: Dwayne Bailey
> > Well in
> >
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/da/libo33x_help/translate.html?matchnames=xmltags,
> > I don't see case differences, but the string is still reported.
> Translate Toolkit defines canchangetags for openoffice as link and name,
means ch
2011/2/22 Samphan Raruenrom :
> Hello,
> We happen to start working on LibreOffce localization. The Thai community
> would like to use Pootle for LibreOffice translation. However, according to
> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Translation_for_3_3
> Pootle is currently not used for Thai. In Poo
On 2011-02-21 21:24, Rimas Kudelis wrote:
Hi Dwayne,
2011.02.20 18:40, Dwayne Bailey rašė:
On 2011-02-20 12:53, Rimas Kudelis wrote:
2011.02.20 11:40, leif rašė:
Hi all,
I have a small question about the merged files on Pootle. We can see
that there is a lot of strings with the a warning (Fa
We happen to start working on LibreOffce localization. The Thai community
would like to use Pootle for LibreOffice translation. However, according to
Pootle is currently not used for Thai. In Pootle, we only see the
On 2011-02-21 20:15, Nguyen Vu Hung wrote:
On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Rimas Kudelis wrote:
2011.02.21 18:51, Nguyen Vu Hung rašė:
On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 10:08 PM, Olivier Hallot
On 19-02-2011 13:06, leif wrote:
Hi all,
As I want to use Pootle to translate I experience qui