KR>Lucite - plexiglass-lexan - CANOPY FORMING

2008-10-12 Thread Steve and Lori McGee
Ok fellow KR nuts. This day goes down in my book as a confirmation in destiny and faith in the creator. Bear with me as I tell you why and if you want to form clear acrylic. I had notice at work today of a consultant coming in to help with a project at work. Now I usually am not involved in

KR>Lucite - plexiglass-lexan - CANOPY FORMING

2008-10-12 Thread
Steve, Thanks for your reply. You gave some very good info. I will file it in my KR file. My windshield will be a flat wrap. My Gull Wing doors will be almost a flat wrap except the bottom of the door will have a very small amount of curve and be slightly longer than the top. Do you thin