KR>Landing Gear Geometry

2008-10-12 Thread Barry Kruyssen
Hi, My KR2 has the original retractable gear which has been fixed in place. See bottom of page for pictures how it is mounted. The CofG is right at the forward limit with full fuel and me in the aircraft. I only have 2.2Kg (4.9lbs) on the tail wheel when s

KR>Landing Gear Geometry

2008-10-12 Thread Dan Heath
Barry, I'm kinda guessing here, because I had a similar problem when I first took mine out for taxiing. Bob Muse caught it. The gear should angle farther forward than it does. Bob told me exactly what the angle was, but that was about 16 years ago. It may be in the plans and if you don't have them

KR>Landing Gear Geometry

2008-10-12 Thread Serge F. Vidal> -Original Message- From: []On Behalf Of Barry Kruyssen Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 02:40 To: KRnet Subject: KR>Landing Gear Geometry Hi,

KR>Landing Gear Geometry

2008-10-12 Thread larry severson
>I only have 2.2Kg (4.9lbs) on the tail wheel when sitting empty, tail down >on a level surface. Big moment arm difference between the tail and the fuel tank. You will add even more weight to the back when you get in the plane. Larry Severson Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 968-9852 lar...@so