KR>Dual Control Stick Spacing

2008-10-12 Thread Dan Heath
John, For you, I went out in the cold and measured 16" center to center. Plans are posted at Mark's are posted at That should take care of it. N64KR Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC da...@kr-builde

KR>Dual Control Stick Spacing

2008-10-12 Thread
Thanks!!! didn't mean for you to have to go out in the cold to measure it.. checked on Marks site and he had lots of great pictures (not near as detailed as yours) but no dimensions. Thanks for your drawings, they will be more than helpful!!! and all your help John Monday KR2S Laguna Beach J

KR>Dual Control Stick Spacing

2008-10-12 Thread larry severson
Mine are 19" on center. That works out great with both my wife and I in the seats. Anyone who is thinking of giving demo rides, or considering letting the passenger land, had better not settle for one stick! >Does anyone know what the distance between the two control sticks if you are >using tw

KR>Dual Control Stick Spacing

2008-10-12 Thread
Does anyone know what the distance between the two control sticks if you are using two control sticks? Is it published anywhere? I need some input!!! Thanks, John S. Monday KR2S Laguna Beach, CA

KR>Dual Control Stick Spacing

2008-10-12 Thread Les Criscillo - Original Message - From: To: Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 16:27 Subject: KR>Dual Control Stick Spacing Does anyone know what the distance between the two control sti

KR>Dual Control Stick Spacing

2008-10-12 Thread Ron Freiberger
lf Of Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 4:27 PM To: Subject: KR>Dual Control Stick Spacing Does anyone know what the distance between the two control sticks if you are using two control sticks? Is it published anywhere? I need some input!!! Thanks, John S. Mon

KR>Dual Control Stick Spacing

2008-10-12 Thread Mark Youkey
> One is better. Sit between them with two, or sit in the middle when you're > alone. > > Yet another opinion... ;o) > That sounds like a great idea...something that didn't cross my mind. I just figured you sit on the left all the time. So it brings up the question of what to do with your feet t

KR>Dual Control Stick Spacing

2008-10-12 Thread
I am going to put a duplicate set of mastercylinders on the other rudder pedals. going trigear and don't want to not have ground control if I am in the right seat!!! Any dimensions of the distance between sticks yet!!! John Monday KR2S Laguna Beach, CA

KR>Dual Control Stick Spacing

2008-10-12 Thread Dan Heath
RE: One is better. Sit between them with two, or sit in the middle Ron, I don't like to be dis-agreeable, but I must disagree. I flew my first KR with a center stick and it was the biggest complaint that I had with the plane. Beside that, it will be a little difficult to sit on the elevator c

KR>Dual Control Stick Spacing

2008-10-12 Thread Dan Heath
I will get you the measurement tomorrow. Why would you sit in the right seat? And you rarely need brakes. When the tail is down, this plane goes where you point it. N64KR Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC See you in Mt. Vernon - 2004 - KR Gathering See our KR at http://KR-

KR>Dual Control Stick Spacing

2008-10-12 Thread
I would assume that would be if you were talking about a tail dragger. Mine will be fixed Tricycle gear, nose wheel has no steering capabilities. I will get you the measurement tomorrow. Why would you sit in the right seat? And you rarely need brakes. When the tail is down, this plane goes wh