KR> cutting canopy to GRP

2008-10-12 Thread M & C
I don't know about cutting plex glass but I did all of my cutting of lexan using a 4 inch grinder with a cut off blade. I know this sounds crude but it worked good for me. I just kept the blade moving so as not to get the lexan too hot. and made about 3 passes to make a cut. I did tape off the l

KR> cutting canopy to GRP

2008-10-12 Thread Mark Langford
It might also be mentioned to smooth off any edges where "tooling" marks will start a crack later. Coarse sand paper or a file ought to work, and will also give the epoxy and glass some "tooth" to adhere the frame to. Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama see KR2S project N56ML at http://home.hiwaay