KR> Wheels & brakes

2013-11-20 Thread Dan Prichard
I picked 3 - 8" MATCO wheels 2 main and a nose wheel with disc brakes if anyone is looking for that size. Tires are 4.8 x 8. Email me direct to discuss. Sent from my iPhone

KR> wheels, brakes, fuel tanks, $

2010-12-18 Thread Craig Williams
I've got some parts for sale someone may need. Craig

KR> Wheels, brakes and Tires

2010-12-14 Thread Jose Fuentes
Hi everyone, Didn't hear much back on the tri gear so I assume no one has any for sell, so I will probably get it from avarero. THough maybe someone has the following list? Matco/Cleavland WHeels and brakes for the Main gear (with axles? or fit on 5/8 axle?) Wheel and axle for Front Fork (nose