KR> Phun Phriday Phact & ADS-B Installation

2014-07-27 Thread Jeff Scott

KR> Phun Phriday Phact & ADS-B Installation

2014-07-26 Thread tommy waymack
Went to an ADS-B seminar put on by the local radio shop with Garmin rep,Aspen rep and Freeflight rep last Satuurday.No matter how much one thinks they know,learning something over is good.The point I came across with was the 1090ES transponder will benefit those going above 18000' since it is requi

KR> Phun Phriday Phact & ADS-B Installation

2014-07-25 Thread Jeff Scott
Joe, Which GPS model has that? I'd be kind of curious as I easily fly a lot more miles than I drive. About the farthest I drive is to the gas station 35 miles away to get another 100 gallons of Mogas to feed the planes. :o) BTW, I recently installed the SkyGuard Vision Pro ADS-B Transceiver co