KR> Ken Atkinson's English KR2S website

2014-10-18 Thread Oscar Zuniga
I had forgotten about that KR! Really nice workmanship, the removable wings are slick, but what I really like is his portable hangar on wheels ;o) Very clever. The cowling attach brackets are very well done; thanks for re-posting those pix. Oscar ZunigaMedford, OR

KR> Ken Atkinson's English KR2S website

2014-10-18 Thread tommy waymack
The problem noted with the canopy handle sounded a little picky at first but it was the first indication that my KR might have a similar problem.For years I had flown my KR with a canopy handle that protruded about an inch and 2 inches long in the slipstream.Never noticed any problem until I read t

KR> Ken Atkinson's English KR2S website

2014-10-17 Thread Mark Langford
KRnetHeads, Since it's quiet tonight, I'll throw this one out there. Back in 2010, Willie Wilson posted his first flight report on Ken Atkinson's English KR2S. There are several unique things about this plane...Ken built a custom trailer for it that facilitates off-field storage and makes th