KR> Fire extinguisher

2015-04-07 Thread Mark Langford
KRnetHeads, Although the thought of using a fire extinguisher in flight almost sounds worse than the fire itself, it's worth having a fire extinguisher in the cockpit. It's not inconceivable that a fire could break out in the engine compartment during flight...say an oil line ruptures and sp

KR> Fire Extinguisher

2010-08-25 Thread Virgil N. Salisbury
As it was explained to me, You can breath OK after the Halon is released but do not have anyone smoking when it is released. It causes respiratory problems big time. It deprives the fire of Oxygen but there is enough for life support. Check this out for yourselves, Virg Patr

KR> Fire Extinguisher

2010-08-25 Thread Patrick Driscoll
Mike. I would be very careful of Halon Extinguishers. Halon works because it is inert and deprives the fire of air for fuel. That means that you have no air in your cockpit to breath. With the air vents open, Halon cannot work because it cannot smother the fire. Patrick Driscoll Saint Paul, MN

KR> Fire Extinguisher

2010-08-24 Thread
It's not going to do you much good in the baggage area if you have a fire in the cockpit in the air. Can you reach it from your seat? If so, then good. If not, then a better placement would be somewhere you can reach it. I keep a very small Halon down next to my leg. Halon is what you want.

KR> Fire Extinguisher ???

2010-08-24 Thread Dana Overall
I would recommend this read: See everybody in couple of weeks. Dana Overall 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host Richmond, KY i39 RV-7 slider "Black Magic" Flying..well sorta, useta, kinda Barrett Pre

KR> Fire Extinguisher ???

2010-08-24 Thread Glenda McElwee --- On Tue, 8/24/10, Dan Heath wrote: From: Dan Heath Subject: RE: KR> Fire Extinguisher ??? To: "'KRnet'" List-Post: Date: Tuesday, August 24, 2010, 7:25 PM No problem as long as your W & B comes out OK, and you have provided easy access

KR> Fire Extinguisher ???

2010-08-24 Thread Dan Heath
No problem as long as your W & B comes out OK, and you have provided easy access to it. I would say it is a good thing to have handy. See N64KR at - Then click on the picsĀ  See you at the 2010 - KR Gathering in Richmond, Ky - I39 There is a time for building and a time for FL

KR> Fire Extinguisher ???

2010-08-24 Thread Dave Dunwoodie
I have a 2.5 LB First Alert fire extinguisher that I am considering adding to the baggage area. Anybody have any thoughts or comments? Thanks. Dave.