KR> EA-81 engines (basket cases)

2010-03-11 Thread
We are VERY interested in your two engines! Junk yards down here are outrageously over-priced to the extent that we have driven/flown to Alabama & Georgia to garner parts! We live in Orlando/Central Florida. Are you offering to carry these two engines cross-country?

KR> EA-81 engines (basket cases)

2010-03-10 Thread Jon Sanders
Net Heads, I have two EA-81 Subaru basket case engines that came with a KR project. Would like to give them to someone who lust for subarus. I am going to WW CC#17. Leaving from Canyon Lake, TX. IH-10 to Florida. If interested contact me . Jon Sanders

KR> EA 81

2008-10-12 Thread Al Friesen
All, Does anybody have a drawing of the mount (EA81)for this engine to KR? I had a call from a builder in Cranbrook,BC, Canada asking if I could find one. He has no computer. Thanks. Al

KR> EA 81

2008-10-12 Thread wilder_jeff Wilder
--- r- y+++* --END GEEK CODE BLOCK-- >From: "Al Friesen" >Reply-To: KRnet >To: >Subject: KR> EA 81 >Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 11:12:47 -0800 >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Received: from ([]) by > with Mic

KR> EA 81

2008-10-12 Thread Al Friesen
Jeff, I just talked to Don and he would just as soon buy a mount ready built. Al - Original Message - From: "wilder_jeff Wilder" To: Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 1:53 PM Subject: RE: KR> EA 81 > Are you needing drawings ... or are you needing an actual mount? &

KR> EA 81

2008-10-12 Thread wilder_jeff Wilder
S/O d- s:+ a C+++ UH++ P L++ E- w-- N+++ o-- K- w O- M-- V-- PS+ PE- Y++ PGP++ t+ 5- X-- R* tv b++ DI++ D++ G e* h--- r- y+++* --END GEEK CODE BLOCK-- >From: "Al Friesen" >Reply-To: KRnet >To: "KRnet" >Subject: Re: KR> EA 81 >

KR> EA 81

2008-10-12 Thread Randy Smith
I have a mount for a KR to a Subaru with the nose gear mount I will take $250 plus shipping. --- Al Friesen wrote: > All, > Does anybody have a drawing of the mount (EA81)for > this engine to KR? I had a call from a builder in > Cranbrook,BC, Canada asking if I could find one. He > has no compu

KR> EA 81

2008-10-12 Thread Al Friesen
Jeff, Give me a phone number to reach you at and this Don will get in touch with you. Looks good to go with this mount. Al - Original Message - From: "wilder_jeff Wilder" To: Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 7:26 PM Subject: Re: KR> EA 81 > > well you can have

KR> EA-81 reduction drive for sale

2008-10-12 Thread Dave Jeltema
I have a never used RAF belt reduction drive for the ea-81 subaru the reduction ratio is 2.1/1, it comes with the instalation video that also has the maint.. section. I have the RAF flywheel still in it packaging, the belt still in the packaging and the new light weight starter i have a ziped f