KR> Cowl puzzle

2008-10-12 Thread
The cowl, she is get it up close to the bottom of the airplane, I have to build an oil tank..Anybody got any drawings?? Any ideas? Thinking about building a square tank that I can machine cooling fins in, but can also use as an alt air source. Think about that one ov

KR> Cowl puzzle

2008-10-12 Thread Larry&Sallie Flesner
At 09:04 PM 4/8/2006, you wrote: >The cowl, she is get it up close to the bottom >of the airplane, I have to build an oil tank..Anybody got any >drawings?? Any ideas? Bobby Can you take the 4 quart t

KR> Cowl puzzle

2008-10-12 Thread
Larry, Finally got this all nailed down and where I want it. I sure appreciate your offer but I think I want to take a stab at building an aluminum tank for this thing that I can fin and also maybe even have a little more than 6 quarts of oil. I'm trying to keep everything as slick as possible