KR> Confession

2011-02-05 Thread Mark [] On Behalf Of Vaughan Thomas Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2011 4:19 PM To: KRnet Subject: Re: KR> Confession Jack Thanks for your prompt reply. Yes I have tried William but he apparrently only supplies on condition of receiving replacement cores. I h

KR> Confession

2011-02-05 Thread Mark [] On Behalf Of Vaughan Thomas Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2011 4:19 PM To: KRnet Subject: Re: KR> Confession Jack Thanks for your prompt reply. Yes I have tried William but he apparrently only supplies on condition of receiving replacement cores. I h

KR> Confession

2011-02-05 Thread Vaughan Thomas
project though. Vaughan Thomas- Original Message - From: To: "KRnet" Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2011 10:01 AM Subject: Re: KR> Confession Vaughan My cores have not been torn down and inspected. For shipping that far I would suggest that you go through William Wynne

KR> Confession

2011-02-05 Thread
t may not be  good. - Original Message - From: "Vaughan Thomas" To: "KRnet" Sent: Saturday, February 5, 2011 3:41:22 PM Subject: Re: KR> Confession What a confession -  the sin of temptation. But on a serious note, any chance of

KR> Confession

2011-02-05 Thread Vaughan Thomas
t; ; "KRnet" Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2011 7:57 AM Subject: KR> Confession Forgive me kr and Corvair netters for I have sinned. I have been seduced by the Goddess of Grumman who tempted me with a beautiful AA-1B which had a recent paint job (spring 2010) and new glass but a wounded w

KR> Confession

2011-02-05 Thread
Forgive me kr and Corvair netters for I have sinned. I have been seduced by the Goddess of Grumman who tempted me with a beautiful AA-1B which had a recent paint job (spring 2010) and new glass  but a wounded wing. The previous owner made a downwind landing on a 1400' grass strip and the wing