KR> N357CJ is now an airplane

2008-10-12 Thread
JH "said the deed is done", s a hearty HiHo, aeroplano, or the more familiar yhaa, Joe. Franc Steel, a Houston observer

KR> Sign your post.

2008-10-12 Thread
JY, I have read your email, 3x's. I do not find a city or state or country, nada, nothing. Perhaps I am overlooking it, so if you would kindly direct me to the correct area of your message, I would appreciate it.-Franc Steel, Houston, Tx, USA

KR> Warp Drive Prop

2008-10-12 Thread
Phil, Well stated, Mate. Franc Steel, Houston,TX


2008-10-12 Thread
ML said "I can't read the signs from 10,500 feet" ML, do you always fly in a westerly direction? heh,heh,heh! Franc S, Houston

KR> seast belt colours

2008-10-12 Thread
Brilliant- Franc Steel, Hs,Tx

KR> Hangers

2008-10-12 Thread
Bob said - " a good many of the city council members golf but do NOT fly" answer , Bpb , run for city council position- F Steel

KR> Sport Aviation

2008-10-12 Thread
Mark J "sets his work at high value'' but not for tax purposes?? F Steel

KR> Oil-- 3 ultimate sources

2008-10-12 Thread
Crainey said- BP, Amoco & Standard according to his memory were the basic sources for all motor oils! My question is, which one is the source of paraffin base oils. I have personally had exellent auto engine life with paraffin base oils having exceeded well over 200,000 thousand mil

KR> Germany vacation webpage

2008-10-12 Thread
ML said" had a slight compression problem" Hello, would you mind sharing info re: "slight comp. prob" ? & solution for those of us following "Vair power"? -Franc S

KR> EAA SW Regional Fly-in New Location

2008-10-12 Thread
Where is the "cerveza Perla" coming from? Seems to me that the Pearl Brewing outfit shut down sometime in the past ! Can anyone help out as it was not a bad beer ?Franc

KR> fuel indicator question

2008-10-12 Thread
Netters, several months ago I noticed a blip regarding a fuel indicator with no moving parts & non electrical. As I recall, it was constructed with 4 "plastic" lengths to designate 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 & full. It seems to me that it may have been a Bede contrivance, but perhaps not. I have rec

KR> Plans, wiring, wood glue rantings.

2008-10-12 Thread
steve mcgee said ; 2-1/16 layers of fiber frax -I guess i have ben asleep, "What is FIBER FRAX ? franc steel

KR> Plans, wiring, wood glue rantings.

2008-10-12 Thread
Steve- Thanx 4 ur help I also receive a direction to pursue for possible info-Air--Spr--& SpeFranc S

KR> fiber frax

2008-10-12 Thread
Again, thanc for the fiber flac-- franc s

KR> Re: Hirth engines

2008-10-12 Thread
Paulwasp said still like bullet-proof Corvair engine-- Sounds All-American to me, bro. franc steel

KR>pitch changes with wing tanks is this a problem?

2008-10-12 Thread
mac n1055a wrote has problems with fuel sloshing fore & aft in wing tanks- Question, what baffling was used in the construction of these tanks franc s

KR>140hp covair ????bad valves

2008-10-12 Thread
Mark-you indicated 140HP heads have problems with valves? Is it the valve stems, the valve heads, the valve guides or the valve seats that account for this fault in the !40HP? Franc Steel

KR>140hp covair ?? bad valves

2008-10-12 Thread
Mark L., thank you for the clarification regarding "valves" ? So the primary problem is applies the valve seat inserts ! Do guides & valves hold up well? Are the con rods usually okay except for GM's inherent sloppy balancing? Do the factory bearings hold up well to 100,000 miles in

KR>140hp covair ### bad valves

2008-10-12 Thread
Mark wrote crak & rods good. Sooo, vill seek direct mit the" vair net". Danke sehn,herr. 73s -franc s