KR> Thrust offset

2015-12-07 Thread samantha.jayne1
Hi all I am about to start work on my engine mount ( diehl case 2275 vw ) will I need to factor in a thrust offset or not ? Also what length mount are you using ? The plans say 6 1/2 inches but I am thinking with a diehl case and starter it will need to be longer. All thoughts appreciated ?Mark

KR> diehl wingsking video

2014-07-07 Thread samantha.jayne1
Hi Steve does the video show the method to fit to the skins to the S ? Thanks Mark Sent from Samsung tablet Original message

KR> (no subject)

2014-07-06 Thread samantha.jayne1
Hi guys can anyone tell me if the Diehl wing skins for a 2 will fit an S? I may have a chance at some with other parts thanks Mark Sent from Samsung tablet