the construction pics at my site i have updated pics but not yet on my
site!!! you have to click on my pics to open them thanx Randy White
>"images/100_0136-400x247.jpg" and your small images eg. "100_0136-
>400x247.jpg" on your computer will have to be moved to the "images"
>directory on the server.
>Hope this makes sense.
>On 4/19/07, randy white wrote:
> >
I changed my retracts to fixed I like the look better!!! but if you decide
you want to go with retracts i have them for sale perfect condition
wheels,breaks, and tires Randy
>From: bobby burington
>Reply-To: KRnet
>To: KRnet
>Subject: KR> Landing Gear
>Date: Sun, 1 A
im looking for a local kr2 person!!! thanx Randy
anyone in Oregon have a kr? would like to here from you!!thanx Randy
My KR2 was flyable when i bought it!!! but i took it all apart and did some
repairs and had the engine rebuilt changed the retracts to fixed !!
basically built a new plane!!! im going to sell it when its all done,my
question is, should i sell it as a new plane and let the new owner get a
Maybe some of you kr guys that have been around a while might know the
builder of my kror information i need!!!the #N99LZ was certified
airworthy on july 9 1982 the builders name is Lawrence S Zeliadt from
Florida, thanx Randy
I have a set of KR2 plans: not KRS or KR1 also some stock retracts tires and
wheels and breaks!!!
are you talking about flight simulator X if so i have that you have a
kr-2 for that system? if so id love to have it!!! Randy
>From: "Myron (Dan) Freeman"
>Reply-To: KRnet
>To: "Mark Jones" , "KRnet"
>Subject: Re: KR> Re: Winglets, anyone?
>Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007
I have a complete set i dont need anymore!!! whats your offer?
>From: "Greg Martin"
>Reply-To: KRnet
>To: "KRnet"
>Subject: KR> Re: KR2 plans
>Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 19:42:30 -0800
>Does anyone have a set of KR2 plans for sale?
>Greg Martin
Ok i have replaced a couple foam blocks in one of the wings and have put on1
layer of glass!!!do i wait for it to dry before i put on a second layer
on!!! and also when i put on the peelply do i put epoxy on the top of it
and squeegy it off like the glass!!! seems like the peelply would be hard
oops!!! well now i guess i will do another layer and use the peelply on that
one!!! ita already hard!!! will that work?
>From: "Myron (Dan) Freeman"
>Reply-To: KRnet
>To: "KRnet"
>Subject: Re: KR> question about glassing
>Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 20:54:35 -0500
>Hi Randy;
>I think this migh
thank you very much you explained it in a way i totally understand!!!yes im
using aeropoxy 2032 and its very straight and smooth!!! i just didn't know
about putting all the layers on at once!!! and i couldn't figure out how the
peelply keeps from sticking and not coming off!!! thanx Again Randy
12 or 11 x 11 inchs in our example that would be left around the
>perimeter of your repair.
>Hope this makes sense !!
>Larry H.
>From: randy white
>thank you very much you explained it in a way i totally understand!!!yes im
>using aeropoxy 2032 and its very
There are a pair of fitting on each spar!!! is there 1 bolt per set or 8 per
set 1 long one or a short one on each fitting!!! does anybody have a picture
of this!!! on the plans it looks like there is 1 bolt on each fitting which
would be 8 bolts per wing side!! insted of the 4 per side that i h
I seen some talk about some kr vids i would love to see some flying vids
from who ever has some!!! thanx Randy
I would love to see these videos!!! Randy
>From: "Eric Kelsheimer"
>Reply-To: KRnet
>To: "KRnet"
>Subject: Re: KR> clip
>Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 12:06:33 -0500
> Larry can you tell me how long your grass strip is that your
>landing on in the videos. These are very good videos you ha
your site to see the plane dont work
>From: "Alan Moat"
>Reply-To: KRnet
>To: "KRnet"
>Subject: KR> KR2S Project for Sale
>Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2006 13:31:21 -0500
>I have a KR2S project for sale. My son and I are both starting to take
>flight lessons and we have decided to sell ou
What kind of wheels do i need for my fixed gear and where can i get them!!!i
just put on the Dehil gear if i spelled it right!! thanx Randy
How can i get my wheels streight without toe in or out? thanx Randy (on my
new gear)
can i use my wheels and breaks that were mounted on my retracks?can they be
converted over? thanx Randy my web site is almost together im haveing
trouble with my pictures !!! but if you click on the pictures they will
the pictures you have to click on having a bit of proublem with them!!!
my site
>with that plane. Absolutely, you can use the wheels and brakes you have
>on the retracts. I would replace those tires though. Are those 5"
>Mark Jones (N886MJ)
>Wales, WI
>My Web site:
Your slide show is real cool i really liked it!!! i am rebuilding a KR-2
that was built in 1988!! its going real good i need to put a show together
also!!! thanx Randy
>From: Marc Lee Winnig
>Reply-To: KRnet
>To: KR
>Subject: KR> MY Pictures of my KR-2 (Including Retracts)
>Date: Tue, 19 Dec
I am studying my ground school(King private pilot knowledge test) and this
spring im going to do my 40 hours and become a pilot!!!my question is after
learning to fly in a cessna how hard is it going to be to learn to fly my
KR-2 tail drager i have people telling me it will take a long time to f
changing my landing gear!!! taking offers on my retracts !! they are
complete!! wheels, tires, breaks ,all hardwear ready to go!!! the picture is
just the wheels and tires the rest is included!!! thanx Randy
I have included a picture of the tires,wheels breaks, the retracts are
complete!! i am changing to fixed make offer!!! thanx Randy
included is i picture of the breaks,wheels, and tires the retracts are
complete!! changing to fixed!!! thanx Randy
>From: "randy white"
>Reply-To: KRnet
>Subject: KR> FIXED GEAR
>Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:42:43 -0800
>Does anybody hav
ut? thank you>From:
"randy white"
>Reply-To: KRnet
>Subject: KR> FIXED GEAR
>Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:42:43 -0800
>Does anybody have some pictures of the instulation of fixed gear for a tail
when i put the micro slurry on the foam do i put the glass cloth on while it
is still wet? also what is peep ply i cant find it searching wicks!! thanx
>From: "randy white"
>Reply-To: KRnet
>Subject: KR> "HELP" Q&A
Does anybody have some pictures of the instulation of fixed gear for a tail
drager!!!my instructions arent very clear!! thanx Randy
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