KR> baffles

2008-10-12 Thread
OK Netters Here is the final read in the "When she's hot she's hot" saga. There are baffels and there are baffels. Once I relocated the rear baffle of the #3 cylinder, the temp never went up. I put her in the pattern this morning and continued to make 3 take off and taxi backs to the takeoff pos

KR> Plan #'s

2008-10-12 Thread
"receipt #1 with a date of 1971" Somewhere in this there is a history lesson. When were the first plans sold. Perhaps yours is the first. Orma L. Robbins A&P/IA KR-2 N110LR Southfield, MI

KR> Type 4 Engine Buildup

2008-10-12 Thread
The short answer is Not Yet. I had forgotten just how many details goes into hooking the engine up and getting it ready to run. A lot of time today was spent getting the two ignition systems statically set. I only had to pull 009 gear once, but the Magneto was a different story. The drive pu

KR> Plan #'s

2008-10-12 Thread
"So, if you have a Book No. 82," For sure Jeanette should know what the numbers mean. However, the bottom right corner of my book has "Revised Aug 1979". Does anyone else with an older KR have a book with the hand written "Book 59". By the way, what is the current Book #? Also what is the high

KR> Plan #'s

2008-10-12 Thread
For those who wish to change the subject of this thread, please feel free to do so, just call it something else. The original subject was a discussion about the different plan numbers and it's meaning. My plans and my aircraft are a matched set and registered with RR. P.S. My engine is back

KR> type 4 Failures

2008-10-12 Thread
Thanks for the feedback Orma

KR> Standards

2008-10-12 Thread
"Rand company approve modifications to there design?" When I converted my KR from Retract to Fixed gear, I ordered the gear and plans from Rand Robinson. What comes next is an assumption. Since RR provided the material and plans/drawings for the conversion, I can't help but assume that they appro