KR>Finishing KR

2008-10-12 Thread
Netters, Few guys asked me to post again link to website about finishing composite airplane. So here it is: George


2008-10-12 Thread
Netters, Does anyone knows how do you prevent bubbles in your first layer of carbon? I am making a carbon fiber spinner with a clear epoxy surface coat and when I pull the spinner out of the mold I am greeted with bubbles trapped between the weave, how can I prevent these. If I was painting it, it


2008-10-12 Thread
Thanks guys, for all suggestions and hints with my bubble problem. Also I received an email from the guy who is not on the KR-net list. He in fact knew that I am using wax for mold release and I have the feeling that he is more than right about my attempts in composite layout. While his website i