KR> VW Mag

2011-10-05 Thread
Glidden N807MT (mouse trap) Eminence, In

KR> Gathering schedule

2011-09-08 Thread
I really think that after a night of rootbeer on Friday night, if you could keep the noise down on Saturday morning that would be great. I think a race would be nice as long as you muffler your exhaust. Just typing what some others are thinking.

KR> Landing gear

2008-10-12 Thread
netters Did you know there are over 200 emails in the archieves related to landing gear for the KR,and several on which set up is better and why it is better.(in peoples opinion)And at the rate it is going there is about minimum of 10 new ones daily here lately.Is anybody else doing anything els

KR> Bellcranks

2008-10-12 Thread
Netters Doe's anyone have any drawing for the bellcranks for the ailerons that are better then the ones on the plans.Please email me them if you do at thanks in advanceBob

KR> Joe's reply

2008-10-12 Thread
free to email me off list if you would like Joe and we can discuss our preferences longer.Bob

KR> Mt Vernon

2008-10-12 Thread
Netters For anybody close enough to fly or drive,Mt Vernon IL. (Home of the 04,05 and 06 KR Gathering) is having a fly-in/veterans reunion on October 15,2005.The flyer says 8:00AM-5:00PM.Looks like they are going to have several Military aircraft on display as well as a lot of

KR> beverage for gathering

2008-10-12 Thread
thoughts let me know.I already have the pumps so I will not have to rent them.I will have my computer here at work off line for a while but will check and answer any replys when I get home tonight. Bob Glidden KR2S N181FW (Building) Corvair 110

KR> Mark J

2008-10-12 Thread
Mark That oil pan on ebay is up to $ 150.00 with a couple hours left..