KR>Re: KR2 Project

2008-10-12 Thread
I came across a KR2 project for sale in PA The boat spars and tail feathers have been built. It comes with a corviar engine Wayne's manual on how to rebuild a corvair Deil wing skins and tape with instruction some foam ply wood the tires rudder pedals and some of the control brackets With many


2008-10-12 Thread
I'm installing the wing ribs for my wing skins My question is when I attach the rear wing spar to the end rib I have about a 1/8 inch angle gap between the spar end end and rib. Is this normal or is there something I should do to correct it If so can anyone point me in the right direction. I can

KR>out board wing question

2008-10-12 Thread
Hello Everyone. I'm prepairing to construct my out board wings using Dan Deils wing skins. When I start to place the ribs in their proper spots I noticed the Aft spar bends forward as it nears the of of the wing. Is this correct or am I doing something wrong. Thanks Pat

KR>out board wing question Phil

2008-10-12 Thread
The AFT spar is ok I just notice that in order to make the main spar and Aft spar to 221/4 in I have to bring the AFT spar forward. However someone else has told me that the spar attachments should have a 3 degree bend in them this maybe my problem Tim