KR> How to install Grove Gear

2008-10-12 Thread
I'm changing to a grove landing gear from the retracts and was wondering if someone who's using it could tell me the best way to mount it? I'm concerned about the stress oto the fuselage where it attaches. Thanks Don Ray 880dl Waco, Texas

KR> Cracked spar

2008-10-12 Thread
It was a bad day at the airport. I bought a project that I've been working on about 6 months to get ready for inspection and was to the point that I was doing engine runs and taxiing it around the airport. It has a Saturn engine (125 HP) and retractable tricycle gear. The main gear is

KR> Cracked spar

2008-10-12 Thread
The radiator is in the rear of the fuselage with an inlet in the belly like a P51. The weight and balance came out great running from 8 to 12 inches from the leading edge. I was just wondering if I could run something like 1" by 4" douglas fir, spruce or possibly plywood along the front and r

KR> Wt & Balance

2008-10-12 Thread
I did my Wt & Balance yesterday and used the page (115) in my manual, it covered everything you need. Mine is also Trigear and retractable. Don Ray 880DL KR2XL Waco, Texas

KR> Latex Paint

2008-10-12 Thread
> I'm gonna guess and say that latex is too soft to > bring to a shine with polishing and sanding. I may be > wrong. Any experience doing this? > > --- "Wood, Sidney M (Titan) @ TITAN" > wrote: > > > I am about to turn the corner on all the filling and > > sanding and filling and sanding

KR> Transponder

2008-10-12 Thread
In a message dated 5/29/2006 2:21:02 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes: Here's a link that has the same pin out and installation instructions under AT 150._NARCO Avionics Download Page_ (

KR> Measuring wing square footage

2008-10-12 Thread
I need to figure the stall speed for my plane and was wondering what formula you used to figure the stall speed with? Thanks Don Ray _captlear@aol.com_ ( Waco, Texas Thanks for setting me straight on the terminology. What I used for wing area is exactly what you s

KR> Builders Manual

2008-10-12 Thread
I tried to contact Rand Robinson to purchase a manual and have not been able to reach them. I left my name and number. Does anyone know when she works or where else I can get one? Thanks Don Ray Waco, Texas

KR> Paint

2008-10-12 Thread
In a message dated 4/7/2006 11:19:39 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes: re-read the information of the primer and finish as it is written on the can. Unfortunately not a word is said about U.V. protection I checked the ad in the boaters world catalog, it states that i

KR> KR1 project for sale

2008-10-12 Thread
I'd like to see pictures of what you have? Thanks Don