KR> Todd from Todd ' s Canopies

2014-08-01 Thread airguynh at
Can you video the session? ? Paul N7970K - Original Message - From: "Paul Visk via KRnet" To: "KR EMAIL BOARD" Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 1:53:46 PM Subject: KR> Todd from Todd ' s Canopies I just confirmed the date and time with Todd from Tdds Canopies. He will be stopping

KR> One stick or two

2014-07-21 Thread airguynh at
My 2 Cents worth. I agree with 1 stick. I have?a center stick, throttle, carb heat on the left side and radio and transponder down the middle under the panel. I straddle the radios and?can't ever plan to take passengers. Selfish I know. I'll give rides in a 'can. Paul N7970K New Hampshire --

KR> web sites

2014-04-20 Thread airguynh at
I like Yahoo's Flickr. Just make a Yahoo account and move in. Paul OReilly KR2 Stretched N7970K Derry, NH - Original Message - From: flesner at To: krnet at Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2014 6:48:11 PM Subject: KR> web sites Netters, Can anyone sugges

KR> Builders logs

2013-09-23 Thread airguynh at
Mine was every bill I ever got for supplies and pictures showing my shop in the background tracing each milestone. Pretty much in a file drawer. FAA asked me to show an illistration in the plans and a photo of my plane's part. Paul N7970K - Original Message - From: ppaulvsk at ao