KR> Zipper's write up

2010-09-17 Thread Richard Parker
Thanks for that write up. Very informative Btw for all you aviators who have enough property and might want to put in a landing strip or helipad, get your 7480 forms in to the FAA asap and check with your state dept of aviation. It's free. I just successfully went through a town referendum vot

KR>Corvair engine mount

2008-10-12 Thread Richard Parker
Well I ended up making a jig out of MDF that clamped on the front of my firewall, that way I could set everything up close to the dimensions that were provided by some of you. I chose to make the rectangular frame a little wider that way I can put on "tabs" (ala Dave Mullins) that can be moved

KR>Corvair Engine Mount

2008-10-12 Thread Richard Parker
Can any of you corvair guys tell me the distance from the firewall to the rear of the the square frame section part of the engine mount and how high it is mounted from the bottom of the firewall? I havent got bushings yet to align the engine on the thrust line and get the correct distance down

KR>Wynnes Engine Mount

2008-10-12 Thread Richard Parker
Wiiliam Wynnes sample engine mount drawing shows the motor mount bushing location centers as 10.125 x 13.25. My engine tabs measure approx 10.125 X 10.25. Although I'm going with Dave mullins engine mount set up as it allows for front and rear engine movement to adjust the CG Are wynnes numbe

KR>Re:retrofitting Dr Deans Hinges

2008-10-12 Thread Richard Parker
Anybody come up with a unique way to retrofit an existing glassed empenage to utilize Dr Deans hinges while minimizing the rework Rich Parker Peterborough, NH _ Share your photos without swamping your Inb

KR>Vacuum Generators for bagging

2008-10-12 Thread Richard Parker
FYI, The company I work for just started handling a neat little venturi vacuum generator from Japan that goes to -27 inhg using your air compressor. No need for a vacuum pump and its small. I'm going to use one for bagging parts. If anyone is interested I can forward a spec sheet. I'll get them

KR>Camping at OSH

2008-10-12 Thread Richard Parker
Does anyone know what the nightly camping (tent) charge at OSH is? I conveniently booked a business trip out there during Airventure and am going to be at OSH on Wednesday July 30th for "Beer and Brats" We are only going to be there for one night, so if anyone has some room and wants their acc


2008-10-12 Thread Richard Parker
Most of the soob builders (including me before I caught the corvair bug) I knew were using the EA-82. The EJ-22 is a much better choice as at has more ponies. Get the 300hp WRX engine and now you'd be able to give just about anyone a run for their money. Rich Parker Peterborough, NH richonther

KR>OSH info and Continental 4A084 for sale.

2008-10-12 Thread Richard Parker
I was recently able to wangle a business trip out near OSH during airventure and was wondering what the KR crowd was planning for that week. I thought I saw some posts recently but have just been lurking for a while. Also I have a zero time continental 4A084 engine for sale on e-bay if anyone i

KR>1.43oz fiberglass

2008-10-12 Thread Richard Parker
man we are both lurking at the same time. I saw some neat little strobes at wal-mart for $7 Deb is off school next week then hopefully I can get rid of them and get back to building airplanes :--) Rich Parker Peterborough, NH >From: David Mullins >Reply-To: KR bu

KR>1.43oz fiberglass

2008-10-12 Thread Richard Parker
Great, I just realized I sent that in error to the whole list. Sorry guys (and gal rumored to be from PA) Rich Parker Peterborough, NH >From: David Mullins >Reply-To: KR builders and pilots >To: KR builders and pilots >Subject: KR>1.43oz fiberglass >Date: Thu,