KR> headed out for the Gathering tomorrow

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Bob and I hope to be their Thursday in the afternoon with root beer @ the camp grounds. Eric Pitts KR2S Terre Haute Indiana

KR> Gathering the after math

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Just found out that Charlie Reeves at his last fuel stop, during take off he was hit with a cross wind that caught his tail. Which caused him run off the runway, where he broke off the left gear damaged the right gear and cowling. They are tailoring the airplane home. The full details are not known

KR> Gathering the after math

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Also Charlie is fine Eric Pitts KR2S Terre Haute Indiana

KR> Awards

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
I do know that Charlie Reeves won best KR and best Interior. Richard Shirley won best FWF and farthest flown. Eric Pitts KR2S Terre Haute Indiana

KR> Awards

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Richard flew in from California not sure how far it was. Eric Pitts KR2S Terre Haute Indiana

KR> G rating

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Larry said: If you don't have a set of plans, find someone that does and check out the specifications in the front of the manual. In the front of the manual here on my desk it says " Design stress loading is + or - 7 g's at 800 lbs and redline is 200mph indicated" The date on my set is May 1986

KR> Corvair Engine center line

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
What is the measurement for the center line of the crank in relation to the center line of Airplane? Needing to make sure my motor mount is in the right spot. How low should the mount bed be below the center line of the plane. My firewall is not stock. Thanks Eric Pitts KR2S Terre Haute Ind

KR> C5 down under was Gathering location

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
"I wish we could take a C5a with all the krs loaded in plus all our bodies" For me I would rather take a C-17 because every C5 I have flown on has broken down in route, mind you some of the spots it broke at were very nice and some were not so nice. Eric Pitts KR2S Terre Haute Indiana

KR> Different Subject - "Headskins"

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Ok, one more questionwhy do military pilots wear gloves? Is it fire protection? For fire protection and to keep a good grip when the hands get sweaty. Eric Pitts KR2S Terre Haute Indiana

KR> Aeropoxy Chameleon

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
"It will not set up for me. It has stayed sticky for a week now." How humid is it in your area? Has been real bad here and that will affect your setup time. We have been running in the 90 deg and 90 % Eric Pitts KR2S Terre Haute Indiana

KR> Air inlets for Cabin

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Check these out at Wick's Q== Eric Pitts KR2S Terre Haute Indiana

KR> Nose gear failures

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
How many nose gear failures have there been on KRs with the Diehl setup or any setup and what part failed? i.e. The strut the lower mount or engine mount Thanks Eric Pitts KR2S w/engine mount beening shipped today Terre Haute Indiana

KR> Nose gear failures

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
I was told my mount will ship today UPS, the rest I have just need to weld it to the mount. Just wanting to know how safe they are for grass strips. Eric Pitts KR2S Terre Haute Indiana

KR> Nose gear failures

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Netters Thanks for the info, sounds like it could use a little beef up for grass plus the strip needs to be smooth. Eric Pitts KR2S Terre Haute Indiana

KR> Nose gear failures

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Mark You could beef it up that way, you just need to make sure you do not take the heat treating out of the strut. Use small short welds Or have it retreated Eric Pitts KR2S Terre Haute Indiana

KR> hard shell layup

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
This has been cussed and discussed may time on and off the net. The benefit of hard shelling is when you are working alone and can not wet the whole wing and get all the glass on at one time. Note this is only known from research not actual lay-ups your mileage may very. Larry F and I had a good di


2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
They are not done yet. Eric Pitts Terre Haute Ind.


2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Lee will get his when he shows up after Oshkosh Eric Pitts Terre Haute Ind.

KR> Powder Coating

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
I think I would have to disagree with the statement "a more brittle finish and you may chip away the finish". If this were true it would not be so widely used by the Hot Rod group. As with any finish, the prep work will show. Eric Pitts Terre Haute Ind. KR2S

KR> cabin cooling

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Joe I think it was Mark L who had the pic. I can not seem to find it right now, I think it was on Jim Fvone (sp) plane. Eric Pitts KR2S

KR> FAA Publications

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Try this link to it in PDF format .nsf/0/99C827DB9BAAC81B86256B4500596C4E?OpenDocument&Highlight=ac%2043 Eric Pitts Terre Haute In KR2S

KR> Armoural

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
On our F-16's the surface is not real smooth but we do put guards on the trailing edges for safety. Many have cut heads on the trailing edges. Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> peel ply

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
I was under the impression that another use for peel ply was if you were going to add more layers too your glass at a later date or join two parts. I am I wrong in this matter? Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> Builders Manual

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
About all you can do is send your money in and wait for her to send you the manual. She has been known to be a little slow, and hard to contact. But she does send the info out. Eric Pitts Hangerless in Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR>Carburetor ????

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Trying to find out what size engine this carburetor came off of. It is a MA3PA P/N 10-2948 and if it would be ok for a corvair. Does anybody know? Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> Re: GPS software

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Try this site, there software is for PDA's and laptops Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR>SPA carb

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
I found a SPA carb for sale but it is a MA-4-SPA. WW calls for a MA-3, I wonder if this would work or is it too big? Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> new airfoil wing skins

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
I don't think Dan would do it because the MOD is not endorsed by RR, that I know of. Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> Tail Graphics

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Very nice Mark Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> 10 Knots

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
I had my ASI checked out and it seems to be about 10 knots slow above 130 knots, but is right on below that. Should I have it rebuilt or just keep in mind that I am 10 knots slow above 130? At the low speeds for landing it should be OK. Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> WEB update

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Mark that is new airfoil that I designed my self. ;) Mark said 'Hey Eric, I was looking at your tail section have the front vertical spar glued in at the wrong angle.. :-)' Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> High EGTs

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Take this for what you paid for it. This is from my hot Roding of diesel motors, make sure your EGT probe if installed in the exhaust manifold or exhaust pipe is not bottomed out and touching the hot metal of the manifold or pipe. This would skew the reading on your gauge. You would also be read th

KR> Temps for glass work

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
What would be the normal range of temps for doing glass lay ups. I will have my garage heated this winter and am wanting to do some glass work. Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> reason to own your own airplane

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
That was a great article, I can just see that happening. Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> Nose Gear

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
When I had talked to him about his nose gear, he had built it also but was running an RV fork and wheel pants. Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> The Eggenfellner aircraft engine

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
You mite check there web site to glean some more info Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> kr gathering

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Have fun, wish I could make. I hope to putting money in the KR fund during that time frame. Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> WW holey cowling

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Since it is made from your cowling, do you get a cut? If not you should. Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> Archves

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
The server is down and he hopes to have it fixed this weekend Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> Hartford photo

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Mark did you get your mold back? Thanks for letting us use it. Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> Matt question on your glass panel

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Have you looked at the auto DVD type screen? Not sure how readable they are in sunlight. Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> Capacitance fuel sender

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
How should the sender be mounted, I will be running MarkJ wing tanks. Should it be on top of the tank and bent to the back or on the front of the tank pointed to the back or on the side and bent to the back? Just looking for insight Thanks Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> ELT antenna

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Here is a site with a kit for making up to 6 antenna's for 29.00 Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> First flight

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Well done and good job of keeping your cool, not sure I could have done that!! Eric Pitts Terre Haute IN KR2S

KR> spars needed for Bob Lester's airplane!

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Did they ever say what caused the engine to run ruff?? Eric Pitts Terre Haute Indiana KR2S

KR> KR2 for sale

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
- For Sale: Flying KR-2 - 2180 Great Plains VW Engine. 93 total hours and climbing. Retractable tail-dragger. New Sterba Prop. Cruise Speed: 135+ MPH * Fun to Fly * Current condition inspection. - Sales Price: asking $11,500.00 obo - To see a picture, click this link or copy and paste it into your

KR> N56ML flies!

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
Well done Mark, now we know that all your changes worked as you new they would. Again WELL DONE Eric Pitts Terre Haute Indiana KR2S

KR> Nose Gear

2008-10-12 Thread Pitts Eric MSgt 181FW/MXOO
At one time I ran across the instructions on how make your own Nose Gear strut. But now have miss placed it. It told how to have it bent and what size tube to use, also how to heat treat the tubing. Does anyone know of this and where I can find it again? And yes I am going with a trigear. Eric Pi