KR>Re: Corvair Engine mount

2021-09-10 Thread Jon Sanders
I have a Corvair engine mount for a KR2S tail dragger. Jon Sanders 830-832-6015 text me first Engine mount > On Sep 10, 2021, at 11:09 AM, wrote: > > Hi Dan, > > I am building a KR2S and looking for an engine mount for my Corvair. I know > this is a

Re: KR> Engine mount

2019-09-06 Thread Jon Sanders via KRnet
I have a VW to Kr2 engine mount if interested. Off line reply please Jon Sanders > On Sep 6, 2019, at 9:51 AM, Hal Dantone via KRnet > wrote: > > I'm putting a new (to it) VW engine in a KR-1. > What is a typical cost for an engine mount of that size?

KR> aileron pushrods

2013-04-23 Thread Jon Sanders
In my opinion you don't need steel rivets. John Thorp in his over designed T-18 used aluminum rivets in the pushrods. With that said, go to click on commercial steel rivets, there phone number 1-800-RRRIVET. You can spend days in their on line catalog. Jon Sanders On Apr 23, 2013,

KR> Kr Gatering

2010-08-11 Thread Jon Sanders
that I clean up that .) Wives have a lot of power. Jon Sanders 830-832-6015

KR> kr gathering

2010-08-10 Thread Jon Sanders
Stephen Teate, I am driving through Dallas to the gathering. give me a call or e-mail. Jon Sanders 830-832-6015 .

KR> EA-81 engines (basket cases)

2010-03-10 Thread Jon Sanders
Net Heads, I have two EA-81 Subaru basket case engines that came with a KR project. Would like to give them to someone who lust for subarus. I am going to WW CC#17. Leaving from Canyon Lake, TX. IH-10 to Florida. If interested contact me . Jon Sanders

KR> Drawing

2009-12-21 Thread Jon Sanders
Bob, I have the drawing, Its yellow don't know how well it will copy. If you still need it I'll get it copied. Don't think the copy could be used as a template. Let me know off net. Jon Sanders

KR> Ron Freibergers KR project

2009-05-25 Thread Jon Sanders
Jim, I think the KR2S project I have was your father's. Will look through the paperwork today to verify. Jon Sanders contact me off the Net.

KR> posting test

2008-10-12 Thread Jon Sanders
This is a test. Jon Sanders

KR> KR Builders Workshop Program

2008-10-12 Thread Jon Sanders
Bill, The building program sounds real good, Ineed to buil the outer wings and rebuild the horizontal stabelizer. I cannot attend may 17th through may 27th. Jon Sanders