KR> BMW BOXER ( candidate ? )

2008-10-12 Thread James Wester
Hey folks .James here . Been a lurker for several years now .Haven't surfaced for three or four of them ! I've been sitting on the fence " forever " with regards to power plant selection for the KR . Like every one else , I've watched all types of venders, ideas and trends come , and then go

KR> Electrical systems ??

2008-10-12 Thread James Wester
I'm hoping that some one can help with electrical schematics (ideas) for the KR-2 . In April 2003 , there was a link to one Christian Kogelmann's web page , where there was some fine work ! I am unable to get there now . Mark L. , anyone ? - Original Message - From: "Barry Kruyssen" To:

KR> EJ 22 engine mount

2008-10-12 Thread James Wester
Gavin , try to get a hold of (turbo) Tom Wyatt III @ , or contact Kitplanes magazine for their three part series ( that ended with the May 2001 issue ) on Tom's work in converting Robert Goodman's RV-4 . You would want to pick carefully through this information , but anyway , th