KR> (no subject)

2008-10-12 Thread Harry James
West did some testing on their epoxy that had been on the shelf for over ten years. Viscosity was higher and strength was the same or higher. HJ wrote: > Here's a question for the net. I looked in the archive for info on epoxy > shelf life, but didn't find much. My concern is

KR> Douglas Fir

2008-10-12 Thread Harry James
I am. There is a picture of a tester in one of my EAA books also. I live in AK and buy local Sitka spruce. I was going to buy some aircraft grade spruce from Wicks or somebody and build a tester and then compare mine to the store bought stuff before I used it. I have some local spruce with 35 r

KR> New KR2 website

2008-10-12 Thread Harry James
You made modifications, my goodness how unusual!! HJ Phil Geoghegan wrote: > Hi All > I have been building my KR2 for some time, but have not spent much > time on KRnet, so am prob unknown to most of you. I am past the boat and > fiberglass stage and well onto finishing. I have recent

KR> Polyurethane Paint

2008-10-12 Thread Harry James
I used have used system three water based with just a respirator (on boats). If you are spraying stuff like Awlgrip then forced air is the way you should go. Those Isocyanate's (sp?) are bad stuff. HJ Stephen Teate wrote: > A question for the guys that have already painted their planes with > p

KR> HELP - Chamfering/Edging Tool

2008-10-12 Thread Harry James
Here's one at Lee Valley, my favorite hand tool store,42524 I would be inclined to use my laminate trimer/router with a 1/8th round over bit but this would be an inexpensive alternate. HJ Allen Wiesner wrote: > I seem to remember mentio