KR> Measuring wing square footage

2008-10-12 Thread Eric Anderson
I read somewhere that the square footage of a wing is what you would get if if you stripped the upper surface off and laid it out flat. So it is always a little more than the chord x span. -Eric in Mpls

KR> Re: Geo engines

2008-10-12 Thread Eric Anderson
Pictures are at: -Eric Anderson

KR> CG question re: a light KR2S

2008-10-12 Thread Eric Anderson
ains mount -nose wheel. Second, which is generally lighter: plans-built or premolded turtledeck? -Eric Anderson

KR>How light can a KR be??

2008-10-12 Thread Eric Anderson
ou make it? Airframe alone? Airframe plus engine? Your thoughts would be much appreciated. -Eric Anderson