KR> Feng Hsu.Barrel adjusters. Attention Dr. Feng Hsu

2020-03-25 Thread shafferj455js--- via KRnet
I can make the part you need. I have a milling machine, lathe, and 4 welding processes. Send me the specs, or the remains of the broken one..I will make it no charge, if you cover the shipping. My name is John Shaffer. I use a go kart front wheel brake on my Stretched KR2 before RR came out with th

Re: KR> barrel adjusters

2020-03-25 Thread Kayak via KRnet
As I recall from the 1980's readings of many paper KR newsletters, those original KR cable operated brakes were not popular or all that reliable, and quickly superseded by many owners with hydraulic. Same with the bolts in the original retracts, they would break often. Two other issues was that dyn