KR> Finishing a composite plane.

2015-08-16 Thread Mark Jones
Since all the questions about filling and painting have been popping up lately, I thought I would post this link again. It has valuable information on finishing a composite plane. Mark Jones (N886MJ) Stevens Point, WI E-mail: flykr2s at Web: w

KR> GRT EIS users

2015-08-16 Thread brian.kraut at
Could those of you using the GRT EIS engine monitor contact me off list at brian at I am developing a new product and I would like to get some input from some other EIS users. Brian Kraut EA Manufacturing, LLC

KR> Bob Lee's KR2

2015-08-16 Thread Bob Lee
Hello - The time got away from me this week with taking our last son to college and getting him all set up. I wanted to thank everyone who helped me with questions on Bob's plane and keeping his information up and available for all. I have sold Bob's plane. A gentlemen from North Carolina bough