KR> Todays project.

2012-04-18 Thread Glenn Martin I built nothing, but I repaired my Turn Coordinator. Brushes in the gyro motor were intermittant. Bad solder joints. Reversed brushes, lubed bearings. cleaned commutator ring. It now runs up good and maintains its speed.   Glenn Martin KR2 N1333A Biloxi, MS

KR> Mousetrap

2012-04-18 Thread Mark Jones
Mousetrapis it alive yet? Jones

KR> Re: LSA Spec

2012-04-18 Thread Bob Glidden
Not the LSA dead horse again, we have beat that thing to death.. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Rob Schmitt Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 10:47 PM To: Dj Merrill Cc: Subject: Re: KR> Re: LSA Spec Concur. S

KR> (no subject)

2012-04-18 Thread