KR> Troops

2009-12-25 Thread Patrick Driscoll
Being that it's Friday, I can go off topic and make a request. The group I am with that served in the US Air force Security Service (Cold war warriors). in Turkey (1958-59) would like to start a salute to the military members and vets by starting a "Red Shirt Friday." To show support for the tro

KR> Humor (Rotax)

2009-12-25 Thread Joe. E. Wallace
Kr Group, I always felt the Rotax a bit over rated and was always in question about using them instead of the typical aircraft engine. Very comfortable with the VW or Corvair until I bought an Aventura II with the Rotax 912 UL. Went to a certified Rotax school at Wag-Aero in WI and becam