[Kicad-developers] Odp: Re: Datasheet confusion

2017-10-23 Thread nnn4000
Hi Now I use documentation links in .dcm files to open datasheets from paths relative to my library (like "../Datasheets/Linear/LM358.pd Will it be no longer possible? Dnia 23 października 2017 09:52 Kristoffer Ödmark napisał(a): Seems there are no major object

Re: [Kicad-developers] [PATCH] github_plugin -> curl -> openssl thread safety

2016-01-18 Thread nnn4000
There is some time between assigning a footprint to a symbol and loading them to a board. Some of people assigns footprints in a library. There are many footprints in the official repository that has either inconsistent or wrong pin numbering. Probably they will change as soon as somebody will

Re: [Kicad-developers] Stable release update.

2015-11-16 Thread nnn4000
The fp-lib-table is mostly consistent with libraries on github but some of the libraries are going to be removed (I asked Carl some time ago and he said he's going to remove them before stable release). The list I suggested: Capacitors_Elko_ThroughHole.prettyHousings_SOT.prettyHousings_SOT-23_SOT

Re: [Kicad-developers] Can I move values in footprints library backto silkscreen?

2015-09-15 Thread nnn4000
Why not keeping them on assembly (hidden)? Silk is way too busy and with too small resolution... in fact it usually can't hold the refdes, either :D Good idea - so values could stay on Fab but I'd hide them and add %R on the Fab. If somebody prefers values it's easy to change (find and replace on

[Kicad-developers] Fab and SilkS layers usage in kicad library

2015-09-07 Thread nnn4000
Hi I'd like to ask again if the way how the Fab and Silks layers are used in kicad libraries will stay as is because after stable release it probably won't be possible to change the rules. So I'm asking for more discussion about it. - For me the main issue is that while Fab is occpied by values t