SVN commit 12778 by tcberner:
In r12775 I commited from the wrong tree... -- let's use the proper sed.
M +2 -1 Makefile
kde-freebsd mailing list
See also http://freebsd
SVN commit 12775 by tcberner:
Move astro/libmarble4's includes some more.
Previously we moved them from their normal habitat $localbase/include/marble
to $localbase/include/marble4. This however implied pathing ports that include
those headers via .
Therefore move the headers to $localbase/incl
SVN commit 12724 by tcberner:
Remove wrong patch, and replace it by a sed call
M +2 -0 Makefile
D files/
kde-freebsd mailing list
SVN commit 12723 by tcberner:
Do not install marble.appdata.xml
M +9 -1 files/patch-CMakeLists.txt
M +1 -1 files/
M +1 -1 files/patch-src_lib_astro_CMakeLists.txt
M +1 -1 files/patch-src_lib_marble_CMakeLists.txt
M +1 -1 files/pa