Sorry Roberto, I may have confused you with WIDTH and HEIGHT. Users are not
really meant to define those manually. The WMS client software, in this case
OpenJUMP, sets them automatically to match the map area. If you have problems
with the WMS server due to too wide or high GetMap requests, adju
That WMS service seems to be very slow. This curl example took 42 seconds.
Notice < Cache-Control: max-age=300 that means that the same query will come
from the cache for next 5 minutes and it will be fast. Edit for example WIDTH=
or HEIGHT= parameters for bypassing the cache. Maybe the timeout
Branch: refs/heads/main
Commit: 237d49004875f2b0d8a91363550d7a2d6a9e2db6
Author: Jukka Rahkonen
Date: 2023-03-14 (Tue, 14 Mar 2023)
Branch: refs/heads/main
Commit: a3444a59b39e5a6c41a25dd0d9412be742581763
Author: Jukka Rahkonen
Date: 2022-11-06 (Sun, 06 Nov 2022)
Multi* geometries behave pretty well.
- MULTIPOLYGON Z -> comes as MULTIPOLYGON Z into OJ with x,y,z coordinates
- MULTIPOLYGON M -> comes as MULTIPOLYGON Z into OJ with x,y,z coordinates (M
gets converted into Z)
- - MULTIPOLYGON ZM-> comes as MULTIPOLYGON Z into OJ with x,y,z coordinates (M
Last version at
seems to be about 5 years old. The converter would have some value if it worked
but if nobody so far has managed to make is run I believe it is better to drop
** [bugs:#482] OpenJUMP Style - "Style">"Import Ar
Branch: refs/heads/main
Commit: 9480ba6cc818cf20ea89728f34e30b46d3b631a2
Author: Jukka Rahkonen
Date: 2022-02-06 (Sun, 06 Feb 2022)
Branch: refs/heads/main
Commit: 74c2c98582ff2bfcab20287727bfe0bc5db24ea3
Author: Jukka Rahkonen
Date: 2021-05-17 (Mon, 17 May 2021)
I confirm that the r6656 fixed the issue with my 32 bit images.
** [bugs:#517] Raster styling bug**
**Status:** pending
**Milestone:** OJ_1.16
**Created:** Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:41 AM UTC by michael michaud
**Last Updated:** Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:47 AM UTC
**Owner:** michael michaud
See descr
For making it robust OJ could check histogram of the floating point raster and
warn user with a possibility to cancel. This is for sure slow, but users may
have floating point rasters with limited number of distinct values.
-Jukka Rahkonen-
Lähettäjä: michael michaud via Jump-pilot-devel
Yes, warping vectors can be removed and warping result updates by the same.
Quite a nice tool.
** [bugs:#382] Delete Incremental Warping Vector tool does not work**
**Status:** open
**Milestone:** OJ_1.16
**Created:** Mon Nov 24, 2014 04:24 PM UTC by Jukka Rahkonen
**Last Updated:** Sat Oc
I have used Kakadu with GDAL years ago but because OpenJPEG driver is quite
good I have not bothered lately even I do have Kakadu license. Kakadu, Lura,
and MrSID all have expensive licenses and they not at all common among GDAL
users. If we add JP2LURA I do not know who could help them with th
IMHO Jasper and jj2000 are rather useless for geospatial images. OpenJPEG is
quite nice nowadays, open source, and getting better so +1 for having it as the
first option.
** [bugs:#430] JP2 reader does not read all jp2 files**
**Status:** open
**Milestone:** OJ_2.x
**Created:** Sat Oct
It behaves as before. I think that I understand now better how the tool works
and I could even use it. The idea is that Warping Vectors are the same in
normal and incremental warping and they affect the original geometries. The
difference is that with the incremental tool the user is (after the
I have noticed that if OJ project is open for many days then the attribute view
behaves badly. For example the icons on the top of the view are not visible,
but they may come visible is I hover over the icon panel. I use Windows 10 and
Corretto 8 as jre.
** [bugs:#312] Menu slow down**
I made a test with OJ OpenJUMP-20200913-r6460-PLUS on Windows 10 with jre
Corretto 8. I read 10 small polygons (rectangles) with Z values from
GeoPackage and created an union. I did not experience that using Edit menu was
especially slow. However, Michaël had bigger test data with more verti
The issue was not in `` but in ``. In the WMS standard title is
compulsory but name not so the result of your test is expected.
** [bugs:#491] WMS getCapability without title**
**Status:** closed-fixed
**Milestone:** OJ_1.16
**Created:** Mon Jan 13, 2020 08:35 PM UTC by michael michaud
Handling dates in SQLite generally is somehow special, see for example
I believe that in SpatiaLite the dates/times are stored either as strings or
Julian numbers it is up to client application to know how to parse the data.
GeoPackage is using DATE a
There are mails about slow parsing of JML in July 2017 and I experienced slow
parsing of dates from Spatialite in February 2019, discussion is also on the
mailing list. It seems there is a need to test your fixes also with JML and
SpatiaLite, not only with shapefiles.
Lähettäjä: e
There are mails about slow parsing of JML in July 2017 and I experienced slow
parsing of dates from Spatialite in February 2019, discussion is also on the
mailing list. I hope that new fixes do not cause regression in other places.
** [bugs:#497] Shapefile export slowed down because of Fl
Perhaps parsing is implemented as it is also because dbf and thus shapefile
supports DATE but not DATETIME and conversion into strings is really needed
only if time values contain also hours and so on?
** [bugs:#497] Shapefile export slowed down because of FlexibleDateParser**
It may feel strange but after all WKT handles just geometries as defined in the
standard Perhaps the issue is
calling file with WKT and attributes as "WKT file" instead of calling it as
"CSV file with WKT".
Saving geometries into WKT is possible
The source code it probably here
but I am not good enough att reading the code to tell where the font is either
set or perhaps leaved as default.
** [suppo
Works now also without attributes. I made a quick test with 10 points and
tool is quick enough. Also group by another attribute works. I have not tested
sorting by different datatypes throughly but general feeling is good.
Tool does not complain if layer has also other geometries than points
First test by creating a new layer with three points and then trying to use the
tool fails because layer has no attributes. I would await that intermnal fid
would be used for sorting then.
Error is:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unrecognized attribute name: No valid
** [feature-requests:#266] New take to enhanced WMS**
**Status:** open
**Created:** Wed Jan 15, 2020 09:31 PM UTC by Jukka Rahkonen
**Last Updated:** Wed Jan 15, 2020 09:31 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
> would it be applied to a layer or a selection of features or?
I do not really have a use case other that to check some occasional data set.
But I would say that by default the tool would be applied to whole layer, and
to selected points only as an option.
** [feature-requests:#265] Crea
I made a feature request because of Michaël's suggestion.
HORAE-plugin is very specific tools and source data must follow a more or less
fixed schema. Better existing tool for converting points into line is the
Sextante tool "points to line" but it supports only the basic unsorted option.
I believe that typical use case would deal with tracked location data and
number of points would be in thousands if data were recorded with GPS. Stefan
pointed that Horae plugin has same kind of utility, I believe it is here
The final result can be obtained through MultiPoint if there are re-usable
routines. Another route leading to same result might go through coordinate
sequence and LineString
** [feature-requests:#265] Cr
- Attachments has changed:
--- old
+++ new
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
+OpenJUMP_makeline.jml.txt (2.6 kB; text/plain)
OpenJUMP_makeline_definition.odt (39.3 kB;
- **Comment**:
Test data.
** [feature-requests:#265] Create a "make line" tool
** [feature-requests:#265] Create a "make line" tool**
**Status:** open
**Created:** Tue Jan 14, 2020 06:00 PM UTC by Jukka Rahkonen
**Last Updated:** Tue Jan 14, 2020 06:00 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
I verified with the newest GeoServer 2.16 that it is really possible to set the
service title empty
** [bugs:#491] WMS getCapability without title**
**Status:** open
**Created:** Mon Jan 13, 2020 08:35 PM UTC by michael michaud
**Last Updated:** Tue Jan 14, 2020 06:06 AM UTC
For layers the title is mandatory Title
A is mandatory for all layers; it is a human-readable string for
presentation in a menu. The Title is not
inherited by child Layers.
and I think that this means that title must appear also in the service metadata
The first part of the service m
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