Re: [PR] KAFKA-16368: Update default to 5 for KIP-1030 [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
ijuma commented on code in PR #18080: URL: ## clients/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/clients/producer/ ## @@ -93,8 +93,9 @@ public class ProducerConfig extends AbstractConfig {

Re: [PR] KAFKA-16368: Update default to 5 for KIP-1030 [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
ijuma commented on code in PR #18080: URL: ## docs/upgrade.html: ## @@ -175,6 +175,9 @@ Notable changes in 4 The deprecated sendOffsetsToTransaction(Map

Re: [PR] KAFKA-16368: Update default to 5 for KIP-1030 [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
ijuma commented on code in PR #18080: URL: ## clients/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/clients/producer/ ## @@ -147,8 +148,9 @@ public class ProducerConfig extends AbstractConfig {

Re: [PR] KAFKA-16368: Update default to 5 for KIP-1030 [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
ijuma commented on code in PR #18080: URL: ## clients/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/clients/producer/ ## @@ -93,8 +93,9 @@ public class ProducerConfig extends AbstractConfig {

Re: [PR] MINOR: log4j2 upgrade follow-up [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
ijuma commented on code in PR #18290: URL: ## docs/upgrade.html: ## @@ -227,6 +227,11 @@ Notable changes in 4 Java 8 support has been removed in Apache Kafka 4.0 See https

Re: [PR] KAFKA-18135: ShareConsumer HB UnsupportedVersion msg mixed with Consumer HB [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
peterxcli commented on PR #18101: URL: Three unrelated tests failed. UserQuotaTest | testProducerConsumerOverrideLowerQuota(String, String).quorum=kraft.groupProtocol=classic | org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: Client

Re: [PR] KAFKA-10730: KafkaApis#handleProduceRequest should use auto-generated protocol [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
ijuma commented on PR #18216: URL: Right, so why do we want to do this? What's the benefit? -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL abo

[jira] [Updated] (KAFKA-18339) Remove raw unversioned direct SASL protocol (KIP-896)

2024-12-21 Thread Ismael Juma (Jira)
[ ] Ismael Juma updated KAFKA-18339: Fix Version/s: 4.0.0 > Remove raw unversioned direct SASL protocol (KIP-896) > ---

Re: [PR] MINOR: log4j2 upgrade follow-up [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
chia7712 commented on code in PR #18290: URL: ## build.gradle: ## @@ -1588,7 +1588,6 @@ project(':test-common') { implementation project(':storage') implementation project(':server-common') implemen

Re: [PR] KAFKA-18915: Enter incompatible instead of leaving incompatible entires blank in Kafka Streams broker compatibility matrix [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
FrankYang0529 commented on PR #18258: URL: Hi @mjsax, thanks for the review. I follow the suggestion to update a version. Could you take a look when you have time? Thank you.

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8585; Controller should change leader and isr optimistically [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6985: KAFKA-8585; Controller should change leader and isr optimistically URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL abov

Re: [PR] Minor: refactor list offsets usage in Fetcher [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6627: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] MINOR: Log firstUnstableOffset in debug log line in LogCleanerManager#cleanableOffsets [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7231: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] Threaded purgatory [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7171: Threaded purgatory URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specific comment. To unsubscribe,

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8789: kafka-console-consumer timeout-ms setting behaves incorrectly with older client [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7206: KAFKA-8789: kafka-console-consumer timeout-ms setting behaves incorrectly with older client URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to Gi

Re: [PR] Increased Warnings for Production Deployment [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7240: Increased Warnings for Production Deployment URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specifi

Re: [PR] [WIP] KAFKA-8729, pt 4: Add client-side logic to augment error handling and partially fail records specified in error_records [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7168: [WIP] KAFKA-8729, pt 4: Add client-side logic to augment error handling and partially fail records specified in error_records URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8741: optimize the use of mx4j web interface [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7153: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8465:make sure that the copy of the same topic is evenly distributed across a broker's disk. [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7133: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] MINOR: Log firstUnstableOffset in debug log line in LogCleanerManager#cleanableOffsets [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7231: MINOR: Log firstUnstableOffset in debug log line in LogCleanerManager#cleanableOffsets URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub

Re: [PR] Increased Warnings for Production Deployment [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7240: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8465:make sure that the copy of the same topic is evenly distributed across a broker's disk. [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7133: KAFKA-8465:make sure that the copy of the same topic is evenly distributed across a broker's disk. URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log o

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8453: AdminClient describeTopic should handle partition level errors [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7089: KAFKA-8453: AdminClient describeTopic should handle partition level errors URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the

Re: [PR] MINOR: Post commit hooks for connect sink task [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7246: MINOR: Post commit hooks for connect sink task URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the speci

Re: [PR] KAFKA-4740 Fields of partition and offset in case of deserializer fails. [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7165: KAFKA-4740 Fields of partition and offset in case of deserializer fails. URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the UR

Re: [PR] KAFKA-4740 Fields of partition and offset in case of deserializer fails. [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7165: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8789: kafka-console-consumer timeout-ms setting behaves incorrectly with older client [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7206: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] [WIP] KAFKA-8729, pt 4: Add client-side logic to augment error handling and partially fail records specified in error_records [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7168: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] Consumer benchmark test for paused partitions [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7221: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8453: AdminClient describeTopic should handle partition level errors [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7089: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] [WIP] KAFKA-8779: Fix flaky tests introduced by KAFKA-7800 [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7180: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] Consumer benchmark test for paused partitions [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7221: Consumer benchmark test for paused partitions URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specif

Re: [PR] Threaded purgatory [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7171: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] MINOR: Fix issue where the Trogdor Coordinator tracks its own node as an agent [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7218: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8741: optimize the use of mx4j web interface [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7153: KAFKA-8741: optimize the use of mx4j web interface URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the s

Re: [PR] MINOR: Post commit hooks for connect sink task [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7246: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] [POC] Add UserData to Heartbeat [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7096: [POC] Add UserData to Heartbeat URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specific comment. To

Re: [PR] [WIP] KAFKA-8779: Fix flaky tests introduced by KAFKA-7800 [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7180: [WIP] KAFKA-8779: Fix flaky tests introduced by KAFKA-7800 URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8648: Throw exception if bad --property sent to ConsoleConsumer [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7066: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] [DO NOT MERGE] KAFKA-8637: WriteBatch objects leak off-heap memory [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7049: [DO NOT MERGE] KAFKA-8637: WriteBatch objects leak off-heap memory URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL abov

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8660: Make ValueToKey SMT work only on a whitelist of topics [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7084: KAFKA-8660: Make ValueToKey SMT work only on a whitelist of topics URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL abov

Re: [PR] [POC] Add UserData to Heartbeat [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7096: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] MINOR: Fix issue where the Trogdor Coordinator tracks its own node as an agent [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7218: MINOR: Fix issue where the Trogdor Coordinator tracks its own node as an agent URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8648: Throw exception if bad --property sent to ConsoleConsumer [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7066: KAFKA-8648: Throw exception if bad --property sent to ConsoleConsumer URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL a

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8610: Don't use /bin/bash in scripts [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7063: KAFKA-8610: Don't use /bin/bash in scripts URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specific

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8660: Make ValueToKey SMT work only on a whitelist of topics [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7084: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8583: Optimization for SslTransportLayer#write(ByteBuffer) [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6984: KAFKA-8583: Optimization for SslTransportLayer#write(ByteBuffer) URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8395: Add the ability to back up segment files on truncation [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6772: KAFKA-8395: Add the ability to back up segment files on truncation URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL abov

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8610: Don't use /bin/bash in scripts [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7063: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8546: Call System#runFinalization to avoid memory leak caused by JDK-6293787 [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6976: KAFKA-8546: Call System#runFinalization to avoid memory leak caused by JDK-6293787 URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8583: Optimization for SslTransportLayer#write(ByteBuffer) [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6984: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] MINOR: use different key when create results for CreatePartitionsResponse in RequestResponseTest [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #7044: MINOR: use different key when create results for CreatePartitionsResponse in RequestResponseTest URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on

Re: [PR] [DO NOT MERGE] KAFKA-8637: WriteBatch objects leak off-heap memory [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7049: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8585; Controller should change leader and isr optimistically [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6985: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] MINOR: use different key when create results for CreatePartitionsResponse in RequestResponseTest [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #7044: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8395: Add the ability to back up segment files on truncation [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6772: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] MINOR: Log Cleaner need grouping empty segments even if the range of offsets is greater than Int.MaxValue [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6752: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] MINOR: Log Cleaner need grouping empty segments even if the range of offsets is greater than Int.MaxValue [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6752: MINOR: Log Cleaner need grouping empty segments even if the range of offsets is greater than Int.MaxValue URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, pleas

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8361. Fix ConsumerPerformanceTest#testNonDetailedHeaderMatchBody to test a real ConsumerPerformance's method [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6736: KAFKA-8361. Fix ConsumerPerformanceTest#testNonDetailedHeaderMatchBody to test a real ConsumerPerformance's method URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the mess

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8546: Call System#runFinalization to avoid memory leak caused by JDK-6293787 [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6976: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8337: Fix tests/setup.cfg to work with pytest 4.x [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6701: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-7817 ConsumerGroupCommand Regex Feature [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6700: KAFKA-7817 ConsumerGroupCommand Regex Feature URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specif

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8361. Fix ConsumerPerformanceTest#testNonDetailedHeaderMatchBody to test a real ConsumerPerformance's method [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6736: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] MINOR: Remove unused variables from [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6708: MINOR: Remove unused variables from URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the sp

Re: [PR] MINOR: Remove unused variables from [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6708: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-9526: Augment topology description with serdes [WIP] [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6649: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8337: Fix tests/setup.cfg to work with pytest 4.x [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6701: KAFKA-8337: Fix tests/setup.cfg to work with pytest 4.x URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to

Re: [PR] KAFKA-7817 ConsumerGroupCommand Regex Feature [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6700: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] [KAFKA-8328] Kafka smooth expansion [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6690: [KAFKA-8328] Kafka smooth expansion URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specific comment

Re: [PR] [KAFKA-8328] Kafka smooth expansion [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6690: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-9526: Augment topology description with serdes [WIP] [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6649: KAFKA-9526: Augment topology description with serdes [WIP] URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go

Re: [PR] attempt to fix KAFKA-8154 buffer overflow exceptions [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6541: attempt to fix KAFKA-8154 buffer overflow exceptions URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the

Re: [PR] Minor: refactor list offsets usage in Fetcher [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6627: Minor: refactor list offsets usage in Fetcher URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specif

Re: [PR] Fix with resize [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6543: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] Fix with resize [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6543: Fix with resize URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specific comment. To unsubscribe, e-

Re: [PR] attempt to fix KAFKA-8154 buffer overflow exceptions [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6542: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] attempt to fix KAFKA-8154 buffer overflow exceptions [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6542: attempt to fix KAFKA-8154 buffer overflow exceptions URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8175: The broker block some minutes may occur expired error message for a period of time [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6522: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] attempt to fix KAFKA-8154 buffer overflow exceptions [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6541: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8175: The broker block some minutes may occur expired error message for a period of time [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6522: KAFKA-8175: The broker block some minutes may occur expired error message for a period of time URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to

Re: [PR] Buffer overflow / Underflow exception handling. [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6495: Buffer overflow / Underflow exception handling. URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the spe

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8172: Fix to close file handlers before renaming files/directories [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6517: KAFKA-8172: Fix to close file handlers before renaming files/directories URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the UR

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8172: Fix to close file handlers before renaming files/directories [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6517: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-6988: Reduce classpath via classpath jar [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6499: KAFKA-6988: Reduce classpath via classpath jar URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the speci

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8130:The consumer is not closed in GetOffsetShell, will exhausted socket channel when frequent calls [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6473: KAFKA-8130:The consumer is not closed in GetOffsetShell, will exhausted socket channel when frequent calls URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, plea

Re: [PR] KAFKA-6988: Reduce classpath via classpath jar [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6499: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8130:The consumer is not closed in GetOffsetShell, will exhausted socket channel when frequent calls [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6473: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] Buffer overflow / Underflow exception handling. [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6495: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8119; Ensure KafkaConfig listener accessors work during update [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6457: KAFKA-8119; Ensure KafkaConfig listener accessors work during update URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL ab

Re: [PR] KAFKA-8119; Ensure KafkaConfig listener accessors work during update [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6457: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] make sure replica.fetch.max.bytes will always >= to max.message.bytes [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6442: make sure replica.fetch.max.bytes will always >= to max.message.bytes URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL a

Re: [PR] [DO NOT MERGE] MINOR: Some thoughts on RocksDB default configs [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6406: [DO NOT MERGE] MINOR: Some thoughts on RocksDB default configs URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to

Re: [PR] make sure replica.fetch.max.bytes will always >= to max.message.bytes [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6442: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] deprecated close call removed [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6437: deprecated close call removed URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specific comment. To u

Re: [PR] [DO NOT MERGE] MINOR: Some thoughts on RocksDB default configs [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6406: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] deprecated close call removed [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6437: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] KAFKA-3881: use plain topic tag in Fetcher metrics [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6420: KAFKA-3881: use plain topic tag in Fetcher metrics URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the s

Re: [PR] KAFKA-3881: use plain topic tag in Fetcher metrics [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6420: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

Re: [PR] Slight change on documentation [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] closed pull request #6392: Slight change on documentation URL: -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the spe

Re: [PR] KAFKA-7948: Feature to enable json field order retention in the JsonConverter [kafka]

2024-12-21 Thread via GitHub
github-actions[bot] commented on PR #6289: URL: This PR has been closed since it has not had any activity in 120 days. If you feel like this was a mistake, or you would like to continue working on it, please feel free to r

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