Re: Git Plugin checking out mystery commit

2019-09-06 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, you're probably using a strategy that is merging your branch with master before building. Not sure what you use there but I would recommend you to review the git configuration in your job. Vincent Le jeu. 5 sept. 2019 à 00:06, Shaun McArthur a écrit : > This is happening more often than I

Re: Integrating Jenkins with EKS Cluster

2019-09-06 Thread Vincent Latombe
You can provide a kubeconfig file as credentials. You'll need aws-iam-authenticator set up on the EC2 instance you have Jenkins installed on, as well as running your EC2 instance with an instance profile with the ability to log in to your EKS cluster. Out of curiosity, why don't you run your Jenki

Re: Why does my pipeline have 2 workspaces?

2019-09-06 Thread Vincent Latombe
@N (where N is an integer) is for concurrent builds, or concurrent node blocks using the same node within the same pipeline build, if you have nodes with multiple executors. @script is for pipeline remote execution engine (as noted above, this is where temporary shell scripts are created before bei

Re: Integrating Jenkins with EKS Cluster

2019-09-06 Thread Vincent Latombe
--- > Regards, > Junaid > > > On Fri, Sep 6, 2019 at 10:32 AM Vincent Latombe > wrote: > >> You can provide a kubeconfig file as credentials. You'll >> need aws-iam-authenticator set up on the EC2 instance you have Jenkins >> installed on, as well as run

Re: Jenkins Kubernetes plugin - scheduling hangs when there are more than 1000 builds in queue

2020-06-08 Thread Vincent Latombe
Set up a logger on package org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes to get more details about the provisioning. The NodeProvisioning system properties suggested above are not necessary (the plugin has its own implementation of NodeProvisioner.Strategy which bypasses the built-in clock) Vincent L

Re: JAVA_OPTS in jenkins k8s deployment, does not seem to take into account -Xss (stack size)

2020-08-14 Thread Vincent Latombe
JAVA_OPTS is being passed only to the java process running Jenkins. If you run blindly java in the same container, it won't pick up any of the arguments you specified unless you explicitly pass it JAVA_OPTS. Vincent Le jeu. 13 août 2020 à 15:38, Pantelis Karamolegkos a écrit : > In my jenkins

Re: [kubernetes-plugin | casc ] Different behaviour between declarative and casc configuration ?

2020-09-09 Thread Vincent Latombe
(this is rather a question for Jenkins Users) This smells like a bug. Please open a jira issue with a reproducer. Vincent Le mer. 9 sept. 2020 à 10:32, a écrit : > Hi Jenkins-Dev, > > I am trying to port a configuration of the kubernetes-plugin between > servers and I was f

Re: Kubernetes Plugin: How to run commands within agent container as non-root?

2020-09-11 Thread Vincent Latombe
> [Pipeline] container What is your container definition? I really doubt it is the same image as what you're running through docker CLI. Vincent Le jeu. 10 sept. 2020 à 19:59, iris Jasper Orschulko <> a écrit : > I am trying to run a Pipeline in a Kubernetes agent,

Re: Kubernetes Plugin: How to run commands within agent container as non-root?

2020-09-15 Thread Vincent Latombe
endstraße 1-14 | 12459 Berlin > > Geschäftsführer > M.-O. Brammann | R. Bönick | A. Thun > Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg > HRB 41 448 | USt-ID-Nr. DE 137228225 > > > > > ---------- > *From:* [je

Re: Kubernetes plugin - container is not valid for pod

2020-09-25 Thread Vincent Latombe
Try changing your Jenkinsfile to: podTemplate( containers: [ containerTemplate(name: 'docker', image: 'docker:19.03', ttyEnabled: true, command: 'cat'), containerTemplate(name: 'nodejs', image: 'node:12-buster', ttyEnabled: true, command: 'cat') ], volumes: [hostPathVol

Re: Half of the project configure screen is grayed out with Loading message!

2013-07-03 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, it's JENKINS-18585, and it will be fixed in 1.522. You should downgrade the core for the time being. Cheers, Vincent Vincent 2013/7/3 Sameh Tawfik : > Hi Lary, > > Thanks for your quick response. > > After checking all the installed plugins, it turned out "Environment > Injector" Plugin (E

Re: Weird clock difference after 1.522 upgrade

2013-07-07 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, it's due to this commit Vincent 2013/7/8 Cedric Lamalle : > Hi there, > I've upgraded my Jenkins instance from 1.511 to 1.522 and I'm having weird > clock differences. The master is running on Linux Ubuntu 1

Re: maven-release-plugin and ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref

2013-07-16 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, this is because by default, the jenkins git plugin builds on a detached HEAD, not on a branch. You can use the option named Checkout/merge to local branch (optional) to make Jenkins create a local branch and do your release work. HTH, Vincent 2013/7/15 Arnaud Héritier : > I think that by d

Re: Github (enterprise) service hooks and Jenkins

2013-07-18 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi The git hook actually triggers the polling, not directly a build. Vincent 2013/7/18 Costin Caraivan : > Hello, > > We're trying to reconfigure our Jenkins instance (Jenkins ver. 1.522, > Linux master) to use Git hooks instead of Git polling. > > We've configured the Github repo to trigger ou

Re: Github (enterprise) service hooks and Jenkins

2013-07-18 Thread Vincent Latombe
_ > Costin Caraivan > > > On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Vincent Latombe > wrote: >> Hi >> >> The git hook actually triggers the polling, not directly a build. >> >> Vincent >> >> >> 2013/7/18 Costin Caraivan : >>> Hello, >>

Re: strange heap space

2013-07-19 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, Your memory problem is with maven JVM, not jenkins. Vincent Le 19 juil. 2013 12:09, "Raouf" a écrit : > > Hi there, > > I'm getting a java heap space that i can't really explain. i tried to increase the memory allocated to jenkins, but that doesn't change a thing > > The most strange thing,

Re: strange heap space

2013-07-19 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, See [1] for a possible workaround (this is the one I use). Basically when using maven 3, you just have to prefix your deployment url with dav: (ex. dav:http://yourmavenserver). It will use the dav wagon instead of the default http one, which has the bad habbit of loading the full file in memor

Re: Critical problem with my Jenkins server

2013-07-25 Thread Vincent Latombe
looks good, however you should increase memory settings. Vincent 2013/7/25 Mehdi Hayani > I'm keeping 10 builds/ job, Do you think that this number needs to be > reduced ? > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "Jenkins Users" group. > To unsubscri

Re: Readonly job parameters

2013-07-29 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, The environment variable BUILD_CAUSE already provides you how the build has been triggered. You don't need any plugin or parameter to get this information. Cheers, Vincent 2013/7/29 Benjamin Hofmann > My personal usecase would be to differ between an auto triggered build and > a manual b

Re: git plugin - pulling in pull requests from Stash

2013-08-12 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, I don't have all the settings in mind, but you need to tweak the refspec to achieve this. Also, it may be better to fetch refs/pull-requests/*/merge-clean because you'll always get a non-conflicting commit. Vincent 2013/8/11 John D. Ament > Hi > > We're playing around with git at work, an

Re: Automatic clearcase VOBs and branches in Jenkins

2013-08-21 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, feel free to poke around the source code for the clearcase plugin and submit a pull request that implements your requirement. I'll be able to review it. Honestly, I only use UCM Clearcase, so I don't invest time into features that applies to Base. Cheers, Vincent Vincent 2013/8/21 Muhamm

Re: HELP! Maven builds don't show error messages when run under Jenkins...

2013-08-23 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi Jeff, it's a bug introduced in core/maven-plugin a few versions ago. I think I saw a commit fixing it this week so it will released either with 1.530 or 1.531. If you are starting with Jenkins, I can only recommend you to install the LTS version rather than the latest version. This will avoid

Re: Jenkins triggering mails but mails are not getting delievered

2013-08-27 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, I guess it is rather a problem with your mail server than with Jenkins. Vincent 2013/8/27 > Hi All, > > I have configured email-ext plugin in jenkins. > In the post-build action, the console shows that email has been triggered > to the recipient list, but the email arrives very very late,

Re: Jenkins failure when no tests failed

2013-09-17 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, this is probably yet another occurrence of (since 1.526) . Try the same with a freestyle job. Vincent 2013/9/17 Farrukh Najmi > That is the crux of the problem. The summary table shows a failure when > nothing else in the log shows a fai

Re: email-ext 2.34 not including sample templates

2013-09-19 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, i think there has been a change recently about how plugin are packaged. Check if there is a classes.jar under WEB-INF/lib in the plugin, you will probably find the templates there. Cheers, Vincent 2013/9/19 jaziniho > Hi, > > I've just downloaded and installed email-ext 2.34 on a recentl

Re: HELP! Maven builds don't show error messages when run under Jenkins...

2013-09-23 Thread Vincent Latombe
See Vincent 2013/9/23 Felix Riegger > Hi Vincent, > > we are on 1.531 now, but the problem is still present. Is there a ticket > to this problem? > > Kind regards, > Felix > > > On Saturday, August 24, 2013 8:5

Re: Questions about changing installation port for Jenkins.war

2013-10-18 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, you should read Vincent 2013/10/18 > I am currently trying use Jenkins to trigger a UI-application to open when > Jenkins builds a project. So first I had to disable the Jenkins service > from the Services tool to

Re: Unable to upgrade from 1.534 to 1.535 (and 1.536)

2013-10-24 Thread Vincent Latombe
Probably a side-effect of the switch from winstone to jetty for the embedded container. Maybe there is something in your system that prevents jetty from initializing properly? Vincent 2013/10/24 Federico Fissore > I have an year old jenkins installation that I manually start and update > downl

Re: Sharing my views

2013-11-15 Thread Vincent Latombe
All views you have created so far are public views. Anyone will see them. Vincent 2013/11/15 CLOSE Dave > I'm a bit confused by the "view" mechanism in Jenkins. > > I have created several additional views for my own use using the "+" on > the tab bar. When I click "My views" on the left menu,

Re: Move existing jobs into folders

2013-11-22 Thread Vincent Latombe
That should work by moving in filesystem. (the move feature is part of the Folders Plus plugin that is part of Jenkins Enterprise offer) Vincent 2013/11/22 Eric Wood > The only way I could figure it out was to actually move the job to the > folder in the underlying Jenkins file system and the

Re: Combine one or more Trigger conditions

2013-12-12 Thread Vincent Latombe
Configure a daily polling at midnight, nous push hook Le 12 déc. 2013 14:30, "Erol KOCAMAN" a écrit : > Hi Rob, > > My problem is when selecting multiple build triggers, jenkins applies *OR > *case but I want *AND *case. > > On Thursday, 12 December 2013 14:34:56 UTC+2, Mandeville, Rob wrote: >>

Re: Customizing behavior of "Wipe out current workspace"

2014-01-15 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, I guess it is possible but requires implementation of a BuildWrapper. Then in the teardown part, you implement your custom logic and it can be executed whether the build is successful or failed. As for customizing the wipe out workspace action, it can be done only through SCM implementations,

Re: Page load slow at 1st time but fast in 2nd time

2014-01-15 Thread Vincent Latombe
There are two directions : - increase the heap, that will allow Jenkins to keep more jobs/builds in memory (but this is not guaranteed) - try to remove some columns that may trigger useless load of all builds for a job Vincent 2014/1/15 dennys > I have hundred jobs and use view to separate the

Re: Jenkins can't connect to my Windows dumb slave

2014-01-21 Thread Vincent Latombe
I think I hit a similar issue while playing with latest core a few weeks back, so I think it is a regression at jenkins core level. I would recommend you to rollback to your previous jenkins core version (and probably raise an issue for this to track the regression) Cheers, Vincent 2014/1/21 De

Re: Jenkins can't connect to my Windows dumb slave

2014-01-21 Thread Vincent Latombe
you for your help! > > -Deniz > > > 2014/1/21 Vincent Latombe > >> I think I hit a similar issue while playing with latest core a few weeks >> back, so I think it is a regression at jenkins core level. I would >> recommend you to rollback to your previous jenkins

Re: LTS 1.532.2 release date

2014-01-24 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi Arnaud, >From the thread dump, it is pretty clear to me that it is caused by the plugin at hudson.plugins.projectstats.NumBuildsStats.compute( at hudson.plugins.projectstats.column.NumBuildsColumn.getStats( which causes load of

Re: LTS 1.532.2 release date

2014-01-24 Thread Vincent Latombe
/JENKINS-20482 (config-file-provider > I need to see with domi) > > > > On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Arnaud Héritier wrote: > >> a bug in the project-stats-plugin plugin ? >> I didn't updated it for a long time. Last release : Sep 22, 2012 >> >&

Re: Captcha to log in

2014-02-02 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi Christophe, at the moment the Captcha support is only implemented for the sign up page. I guess having it for the login page would require a development effort (shouldn't be a big effort though). Cheers, Vincent 2014-02-02 Christophe Gesché : > Hello, > > I want to enable a captcha on logi

Re: Jenkins maven build issue

2014-02-04 Thread Vincent Latombe
Although I share some of Stephen's opinions about the Maven plugin for Jenkins, I don't think this is related to your issue. my guess is that the location of web.xml is manually configured in pom.xml since webapp\WEB-INF\web.xml is certainly not the standard path where to put web.xml in maven (by

Re: How can I exit the recipient list?

2012-10-18 Thread Vincent Latombe
Furthermore, in gmail, this gets integrated in the UI directly (use the arrow nearby jenkinsci-users to get a pop up, then the unsubscribe link is at the bottom). Vincent 2012/10/18 Lars Nordin > -Original Message- > From: Johannes Wienke > > On 17.10.2012 18:08 schrieb Town Ice: > > S

Re: Script behaves differently when run through Jenkins

2012-10-31 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, you should check that the HOME variable is defined and accessible to the Jenkins process (or to the slave that is executing the task). I remember having the same kind of issue running git clients. Hope that helps, Vincent 2012/10/31 Burkhard Reffeling > Hi all, > > I've got a Jenkins bui

Re: How to keep slaves updated

2012-11-14 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hello, On recent Jenkins (~>1.450) you can install windows slave directly from Jenkins (and run it using a specific user if required), you don't need to use JNLP anymore, and slave.jar is updated each time you restart the master (each time the master connects to the slave to start its service actu

Re: How to keep slaves updated

2012-11-15 Thread Vincent Latombe
012/11/14 Diogo Guerra > "On recent Jenkins (~>1.450) you can install windows slave directly from > Jenkins (and run it using a specific user if required), you don't need to > use JNLP anymore." > > How should I configure the node then? > > --Diogo >

Re: Can jenkins-slave.xml be modified when run as a service

2012-11-19 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, You can change JVM options using the 'advanced' section for the slave, directly in Jenkins UI. Cheers, Vincent 2012/11/19 whitey04 > When the jenkins master connects (or re-connects) to a slave connected > to as a windows service; the jenkins-slave.xml is copied down from the > master.

Re: Run a build concurrently on all slaves?

2013-01-11 Thread Vincent Latombe
I don't think matrix build would fit your need. Here is the pattern I applied successfully to run this kind of job. 1. Install node label parameter plugin and trigger parametrized job plugin 2. Define a job to do the work on one node. Define a node parameter on this job, this will allow to decide

Re: Run a build concurrently on all slaves?

2013-01-11 Thread Vincent Latombe
your nodes, also have f one node gets unavailable, the corresponding run just stays in the queue but doesn't block executions on other nodes. Vincent Le 12 janv. 2013 08:55, "Vincent Latombe" a écrit : > I don't think matrix build would fit your need. > > Here is th

Re: Error on connecting with a Windows Slave - quick question

2013-01-23 Thread Vincent Latombe
Check the host name in the slave configuration of your slave slave4_windows. I doubt your machine is named like that. Vincent 2013/1/23 Chanda Unmack > I have this working in my setup but I don't remember changing the jnlp > port; I have both running as a service on the windows slaves. > > I m

Re: How to change slave port number on command line to connect to a slave - quick question

2013-01-23 Thread Vincent Latombe
2013/1/23 zw > com.youdevise.hudson.slavestatus > > Remove the slave status plugin Vincent

Re: ClearCase Polling Since Last SUCCESSFUL Build

2013-01-30 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hello, To be exact, the polling is done since the last polling took place (because with Clearcase it can become *very* expensive to poll if you have excluded regions and didn't build for a long time) Polling since last successful build would result in non-stop build as soon as a change that break

Re: clearcase.jpi

2013-02-08 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi you can find it there Vincent 2013/2/8 David Dey > Where can I manually download the latest Clearcase plugin for Jenkins? Is > it still an hpi file or has its extension changed to jpi yet? > > Thanks > > David > > -- > You received this mes

Re: Base Clearcase issues

2013-02-22 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hello, I can't help but wonder WHY would you want to put your snapshot view outside of the job workspace. This is the way any SCM plugin for Jenkins expects to work. Vincent 2011/2/21 BEvans > > If I add in the needed mkview argument, /local_views. <-- the directory i'd > like the view to be

Re: Timeout on Parsing POMs

2013-02-26 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi Julien, it may be due to . Best way to know is to take a thread dump on the slave when it happens. Vincent 2013/2/26 Julien Carsique > Hi, > > Since upgrade from 1.494 (or 1.500) to 1.502, I'm encountering a lot of > builds aborted because

Re: Pagination for 'All' view ?

2013-03-05 Thread Vincent Latombe
As far as I know, this isn't possible. Vincent 2013/3/5 Octavian Covalschi > Bump 1 of 2 > > > On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Octavian Covalschi < >> wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> Is there an easy way to add pagination to 'All' view in Jenkins? We have >> about 200 small

Re: Why to use Tomcat

2013-03-06 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, My own experience tells me it is just easier and safer to use 'java -jar jenkins.war'. Within a container you have compatibility risks with other applications, compatibility risks with the container itself (ok with Tomcat I don't think there are many risks since it is widely used to run Jenki

Re: java.lang.NullPointerException when loading folders

2013-04-08 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hello, it's a regression that happened in 1.507 in core. I believe it has been fixed in master but to be released in 1.511. Also, I know that cloudbees did a 3.6 release of Folder plugin to fix the issue as well, it should appear soon on update center. Vincent 2013/4/8 Joshua Sinfield > I've

Re: SCM polling with ClearCase

2012-02-12 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hello, from your logs I'm 'guessing' you are working using a dynamic view. As Greg pointed out, when using a dynamic view, view path and view tag must be the same. Vincent 2012/2/11 Greg Moncreaff > I don't know about streams, > but a similar issue occurs with "base" clearcase > > if >vie

Re: Problems with multiple java installations on a windows slave

2012-02-23 Thread Vincent Latombe
Did you declare your JDK in Jenkins' global settings? If you have done so, you should be able to select for each job the JDK that you want to use. Vincent 2012/2/22 Sami Tikka > I don't really use Maven that much but I do build Jenkins from time to > time. > > Jenkins has at least two ways of

Re: View list of builds organised by branch?

2012-03-27 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hello, that's a good idea, I guess it would require an alternative view of the build history that would 'group' the builds by branch. This is SCM-specific, as the branch information is part of Git Data (and not all SCM support building several branches on the same job). I guess the build history

Re: After 1.451 -> 1.456 upgrade, jobs are not dequeueing

2012-03-27 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hello, I believe this is caused by Vincent 2012/3/27 kenstir > I see this issue on jenkins 1.457 as well, but only when another build > polling SVN is in the "quiet period". That is, my manual build is queued > behind a build in the quiet pe

Re: Queue builds and execute them at certain times

2012-04-17 Thread Vincent Latombe
You can actually give a delay when launching a build (when launching manually it usually 0sec to skip any quiet period), so it should be possible. However, I don't know any existing plugin that implements this for now. I'm guessing you would need a new kind of Parameter that would be able to set th

Re: FATAL: Java heap space

2012-05-09 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hello, Vincent 2012/5/9 SamL > Hello Folks. > > I am running Jenkins 1.459 on Centos6 and I just got the following error. > Has anyone else seeing this issue? > > Any help/information will be much appreciated > Thank y

Re: Adding memory options to jenkins slave

2012-05-11 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi Alexis, you can configure the JVM options at node level in Jenkins (see the Advanced section). Vincent 2012/5/11 Alexis Morelle > Hi, > > Anybody knows how to add memory options for a slave running on windows? > Unfortunately the jenkins-slave.xml file of the installation directory > (Remo

Re: jenkins bug: rootPOM disappears

2012-06-09 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hello, I think this has already been fixed toward 1.469, since it was causing regressions with sonar jobs as well. Vincent 2012/6/8 Andrei Pozolotin > can you please file this bug on jenkins bug tracker? > (I can not access it) > thank you. > > > On Wednesday, June 6, 2012 11:07:24 AM UTC-5,

Re: jenkins bug: rootPOM disappears

2012-06-16 Thread Vincent Latombe
I don't think there is a corresponding issue, but the commit is According to several tweets, it seems to be fixed in the latest (1.470) release. Vincent 2012/6/16 Andrei Pozolotin > please add your comments h

Re: Update to 1.473 breaks matrix jobs

2012-07-05 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hello, it seems the fix is already in master towards 1.475. Vincent 2012/7/4 Florian Lier > Hey, > > I downgraded to 1.472, everything's fine again. > > Best, > Florian > > On 07/04/2012 06:09 PM, Hauser, Wo

Re: User that aborted build not visible?

2012-07-24 Thread Vincent Latombe
According to, it has been implemented in 1.426 (core) Vincent 2012/7/25 krishna chaitanya kurnala > Please give a try with Audit Trail Plugin. > > thanks, > Krishna Chaitanya > > > > On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 4:08 AM, Martin B. <> wrote: > >>

Re: Cannot find parent pom, but it IS there

2012-08-08 Thread Vincent Latombe
In old versions of Jenkins/Hudson, the -U flag is not used for the POM parsing step (although it is used for the build step) leading to inconsistencies depending on the state of your local repository. This was fixed in Jenkins 1.461. In any case, possible workarounds are : - switch to freestyle j

Re: monitor admin activites on jenkins

2012-08-22 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hello, check out Vincent 2012/8/22 Moataz Elmasry > Hello list > > we have a jenkins installed and we have a couple of admins with different > rights. I'd like to monitor the activities and know who did what on > jenkins? is this

Re: channel stop takes 15 minutes

2012-09-05 Thread Vincent Latombe
I think it is due to which is still not fixed. Vincent 2012/9/5 Ingo Siebert > Anything new regarding this problem? > It also takes very long in your version (1.477) and the Jenkins UI gets > very slow. > > Am Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2012 10:57:52

Re: api to get username who created job or who changed job's configuration.!!!

2012-09-06 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, you should check out Vincent 2012/9/6 hitesh kumar > Hi, > Any one knows about api which can get username who created job or last > username who changed job configuration in last? > > regards, > Hiteswar >

Re: try to compile from source, caught an error. What's wrong?

2012-09-17 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hello, try to bump your jdk version to something more recent (1.6.0_24 is pretty old) like 1.6.0_35 Vincent 2012/9/17 Erik Bernoth > Someone help please, this is an ongoing problem. > > Am Freitag, 14. September 2012 13:49:43 UTC+2 schrieb Erik Bernoth: > >> I got the following errors and can

Re: Is it possible to have non editable execute shell for users?

2014-03-10 Thread Vincent Latombe
2014-03-10 13:28 GMT+01:00 Stephen Connolly : > [...] > * It would be super nice if Vincent can get his Yaml parser stuff > committed before 1.0 also so that people who don't like the markdown build > description can use the yaml based alternative (literate has always had a > "yaml" format... just

Re: Base ClearCase failed. exit code=1

2014-03-12 Thread Vincent Latombe
You must define a valid view storage directory. This is usually done in global configuration of the plugin but it can be overridden in the job configuration. Vincent 2014-03-12 20:01 GMT+01:00 Daniel Beck : > > On 12.03.2014, at 19:58, Chanda Norton wrote: > > > [intro2] $ cleartool mkview -sn

Re: SCM Polling fails: Cannot run program "cleartool"

2014-03-21 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, this is a fixed issue ( Vincent 2014-03-20 8:20 GMT+01:00 Amir Misgav : > > use full path to cleartool. > Example :"C:/Program Files/IBM/RationalSDLC/ClearCase/bin/cleartool.exe > > Amir > > -- > You received this message because you are

Re: Jenkins Clearcase Plugin Not detecting changes and triggering continually on erroneous-ConfigSpec change detection

2014-05-20 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi Phil, when working with dynamic views, view path should be equal to the view tag. So instead of using m_, you should specify the same value as the view tag you specified above. Let me know if it works for you. Cheers, Vincent 2014-05-20 14:24 GMT+02:00 Phil Lord : > Hi, > > I'm experiencin

Re: Jenkins Clearcase Plugin Not detecting changes and triggering continually on erroneous-ConfigSpec change detection

2014-05-21 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi Phil, Your load rule is incorrect. Indeed it should be relative to the view path, so start with the job name Le 20 mai 2014 20:40, "Phil Lord" a écrit : > Vincent, > > Setting the view path per your suggestion improved things! Now the > lshistory command displays the changes that occurred (as

Re: Jenkins Clearcase Plugin Not detecting changes and triggering continually on erroneous-ConfigSpec change detection

2014-05-21 Thread Vincent Latombe
I meant vob name (stupid phone) Le 21 mai 2014 10:46, "Vincent Latombe" a écrit : > Hi Phil, > > Your load rule is incorrect. Indeed it should be relative to the view > path, so start with the job name > Le 20 mai 2014 20:40, "Phil Lord" a écrit : > >&

Re: People using the LDAP plugin to connect to Active Directory

2014-05-31 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi Stephen, just tested the new version with my Active Directory : authentication still takes forever. I think the new code you added is not even called during the authentication workflow, it goes straight to AuthoritiesPopulator implementations which use the member={0}. The logic looks good howev

Re: Problem with Clearcase plugin running many builds in parallel

2014-06-23 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, the reason the endview is issued is to end any ongoing update process on that view (that may have been interrupted in a previous run, leaving clearcase in an unclean state). Maybe the reason setcs fails for you is because endview is still running behind and takes too much time? I'm surprised

Re: Problem with Clearcase plugin running many builds in parallel

2014-06-30 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi Sascha, could you try the given build [1] and see whether you still encounter the issue? I have added a call to endview after the checkout. I believe it may also help with the delay you are observing when called initially (because it may be dependant on the number of active views on the host).

Re: Problem with Clearcase plugin running many builds in parallel

2014-06-30 Thread Vincent Latombe
es after the build using a >> batch script as I mentioned previously. >> >> I will update the post with my findings. >> >> Thanks again. >> >> Sascha >> >> Am Montag, 30. Juni 2014 09:32:19 UTC+2 schrieb Vincent Latombe: >>> >>&g

Re: Problem with Clearcase plugin running many builds in parallel

2014-07-04 Thread Vincent Latombe
Eh, if it comes back to 0, there must be an issue, I will check that back. Vincent 2014-07-04 17:00 GMT+02:00 Sascha Herrmann : > Hi! > > Version 1.5.1 doesn't work or I am doing it wrong. > > I set the delay to "2" in the settings, but when I come back to the > settings after saving, it's

Re: Problem with Clearcase plugin running many builds in parallel

2014-07-07 Thread Vincent Latombe
I just released 1.5.2 with the form fix. Vincent 2014-07-07 9:07 GMT+02:00 Sascha Herrmann : > Hi! > > Thanks. It seems to be just a thing of saving the setting. When I put the > "2" directly into the endViewDelay tag in the XML and then restart Jenkins, > then the delay is applied fine and I s

Re: User defined axis in literate plugin

2014-07-13 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi Ruslan, it is not yet possible, but I have this feature in-house and I plan to open source it in the coming weeks. Cheers, Vincent 2014-07-13 11:07 GMT+02:00 Ruslan Baratov : > Hello, all! > > Is it possible to add a custom environment variable (i.e. user-defined > axis) to configuration f

Re: Build on the windows Jenkins slave is sometimes hanging.

2014-08-12 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, there seems to be a significant amount of threads related to Disk Usage plugin. This may be a cause of the hanging. I would recommend that you disable this plugin and see if the hanging persists. Vincent 2014-08-12 14:36 GMT+02:00 Jan Řezníček : > I have a slave with the Windows XP, where b

Re: [literate] feedback/questions

2014-08-21 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi Baptiste, See my comments within your text. Thanks for your observations, this is much appreciated 😊 Cheers, Vincent Le 20 août 2014 18:06, "Baptiste Mathus" a écrit : > > Hi all, > > I've recently been playing with the Literate plugin. As the plugin is still young, I thought I'd drop some

Re: Question about git polling & "nonexisting_workspace"

2014-08-27 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi Terry, I believe options such as "Polling ignores commits in certain paths (path/to/version/file)" require you to poll using workspace. Vincent 2014-08-27 16:42 GMT+02:00 Dunnigan, Terrence J <>: > Hi all, > > > > I have a job that polls for changes. When I w

Re: Frustration with separating Maven build and test steps

2015-01-24 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi Jeff, typically to solve this, I would add a qa profile to the maven project, which skips tests by default, then on the modules you want to run tests on, you un-skip the tests. Then the Jenkins part is just adding -Pqa to the maven list of options. Cheers, Vincent 2015-01-24 1:31 GMT+01:00

Re: Provide LTS 1.609.4 with security updates from 1.625.2 ?

2015-11-24 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi Guido, the community maintains the LTS line for 12 weeks and this is already a time-consuming operation on volunteers time. Here are the options I see available for you : - Migrate your jobs out of the maven job type. It has been pointed out too many times on this ML how 'evil' it is. - If you

Re: Jenkins Git Plugin and Maven Release Builds

2016-01-06 Thread Vincent Latombe
If you use Eclipse, make sure you do a clean build in maven. Not doing so will result in odd failures with all things related to annotation processing, such as the error message you are getting. Vincent 2016-01-06 17:22 GMT+01:00 Mark Waite : > I had a friend at the office compile the master bra

Re: Base Clearcase issues

2016-03-08 Thread Vincent Latombe
Please create a new thread instead of replying to an existing one. Vincent 2016-03-08 13:34 GMT+01:00 Tilakraj Moger : > Hi All, > > i have problem using clearcase plugin, i am getting below problem > *Building in workspace C:\Users\\jobs\Testing_Build\workspace* > *[WARNING] config spec is empt

Re: Jenkins Pipeline/Workflow node name as variable

2016-03-19 Thread Vincent Latombe
Use double quotes if you want expressions resolved. Vincent 2016-03-17 13:23 GMT+01:00 Frank Hask : > Hi all, i am building pipeline on my project that uses 5 DB servers. > > So based on build variable i want to set node name. Like this.. > > env.NODE = 'blabla' > > > node('${NODE}') { > //som

Re: Jenkins 2.0 alpha release available

2016-03-26 Thread Vincent Latombe
You need the corresponding plugin installed ( It is mentioned in the documentation but it could be worth adding a link. Vincent 2016-03-26 19:02 GMT+01:00 David Karlsen : > Hm - I followed those links and found >

Re: Developing plugin that doing something (run some methods) after build of any job

2016-03-27 Thread Vincent Latombe
RunListener is the extension point you're looking for. Vincent 2016-03-27 17:42 GMT+02:00 Barak Katz : > Hi, > I want to develop a plugin that will run some methods after a build of any > job automatically. > Someone can hel

Re: Developing plugin that doing something (run some methods) after build of any job

2016-03-27 Thread Vincent Latombe
Note that this discussion rather belongs to jenkinsci-dev. Vincent 2016-03-27 18:17 GMT+02:00 Vincent Latombe : > RunListener > <> > is the extension point you're looking for. > > Vincent > >

Re: Protecting Jenkins from its own pipelines and jobs

2016-03-31 Thread Vincent Latombe
My two cents : * Set executors number on master to 0 and run jobs only on slaves. That prevents anyone without admin access to your master to screw it. * If you're still afraid to screw your slaves, use one-off slaves using one of the Cloud implementations (using VMWare, Docker, or any other solut

Re: withCredentials not working in multibranch project?

2016-06-25 Thread Vincent Latombe
Use ${env.SETTINGS_LOCATION} in your groovy string. Vincent 2016-06-24 21:29 GMT+02:00 Matias Montes : > I am at this exact same point trying to figure it out, but it looks like > this simply cannot be done at the moment :( > > El viernes, 10 de junio de 2016, 9:56:42 (UTC-3), Michael Irwin esc

Re: Can I add a "publish" button to a build page

2016-07-12 Thread Vincent Latombe
You could use an input step ( to require manual validation. Wrap it in a timeout to clean-up pendin

Re: pod inter connections inside k8s cluster

2018-09-19 Thread Vincent Latombe
Why do you use 2 different pods? Would be much simpler with a single one. Vincent Le mar. 18 sept. 2018 à 23:22, Tristan FAURE a écrit : > thank you for your answer, You were right about the plugin I used ( > ttps:// >

Re: Install wildcars ssl certs in opensource Jenkins ver. 2.121

2018-09-25 Thread Vincent Latombe
Hi, See *> Using HTTPS with an existing certificate* If you still can't achieve it, please post more details about what you have tried, and how it failed, so that we can help. Regarding your message, Please suggest the ste

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