I'm trying to test the workflow plugin on a freebsd node. The following
fails consistently:
sh "sleep 30"
Here is the output:
Started by user Witkowski, Nicolas
Running: Allocate node : Start
Running on freebsd10-slave in /app/jenkins/workspace/cif-wo
tedly exist. I just didn't have the time to continue investigating
> since I have a basic build pipeline working.
> -mark
> On Friday, November 6, 2015 at 3:14:45 AM UTC-6, Nick Witkowski wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to test the wor
I have a question regarding workflow or now the pipeline plugin.
If I execute the following workflow job:
node('A') {
sh "pwd"
node('A') {
sh "pwd"
Is the second execution guaranteed to execute on the same node and
What I really want to do is:
parallel(build stuff in paral
> workspaces.
> There are also other reasons why you should not do that...
> If you need the files to be there look at the `stash` command.
> On Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 5:31:04 PM UTC, Nick Witkowski wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a question regarding
We're running Jenkins ver. 1.609.3 and I have a pipeline job that registers
for polling.
Looking at the "Git Polling Log" I see a permission denied error:
Started on Apr 22, 2016 7:06:00 AM
Using strategy: Default
[poll] Last Built Revision: Revision 256109511639dade5d95c561e54fffcc0e263c
Never mind. I had the wrong/invalide credentials string the the git scm
On Friday, April 22, 2016 at 1:25:11 PM UTC+2, Nick Witkowski wrote:
> Hi,
> We're running Jenkins ver. 1.609.3 and I have a pipeline job that
> registers for polling.
> Looking at the
Is there a way for a pipeline script to wait for a build job to complete
(say the job was launched manually before hand)?
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