I am new to this group but I have been using jenkins for many years.
Now I have a request that I don't know what to do next. My jenkins server
(Linux) connect to an agent on a Windows server and calls a power shell
script. The script reports a result back, for example, "day", "night",
ad the value in your bash script.
> Or similarly, if you write the file in the upstream job as a properties
> file "VARNAME=$value" then you can use that file to set a parameter to pass
> to the downstream job (parameters from properties file).
> Eric
> O
I migrated my single server instance from a i386 architecture to a modern
AMD64 by executing the steps mentioned in
So far I used "Unix user/group database" as Security Realm, with other
words my local
found the problem: User 'jenkins' needs to belong to group shadow to read
Am Donnerstag, 13. August 2020 15:39:07 UTC+2 schrieb Michael Renner:
> Moin,
> I migrated my single server instance from a i386 architecture to a modern
we have many jobs with extensive shell- und powershell code in the build
sections. Is there a chance to push the code to our internal GitLab server
as soon as the code/job was modified and saved?
That would be an easily accessible backup that would allow to recover a
previous version if e.g.
[01/27/22 20:43:34] [SSH] java -version returned 1.8.0_161.
[01/27/22 20:43:34] [SSH] Starting sftp client.
[01/27/22 20:43:34] [SSH] Copying latest remoting.jar...
[01/27/22 20:43:35] [SSH] Copied 1,522,173 bytes.
Any hints?
|Michael Renner E-mail: |
|81541 Munich
#x27;m running out of options.
|Michael Renner E-mail: |
|81541 MunichTwitter: @dd0ul|
|Germany Don't drink as root! ESC:wq
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