Re: mirroring releases

2014-01-26 Thread Christopher Orr
On 01/22/2014 05:09 PM, fou noway wrote: Hi, we would like to setup a release mirror. As stated on, I tried to contact tyler, but can't seem to be able to reach him. What should we do ? BTW, and http://mirrors.jenkins-ci.

Re: Jenkins User Conference 2014

2014-02-02 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi all, In my Cologne-biased opinion, I agree that it's a city very central within (western) Europe and is easily reached by plane/train/automobile for a *lot* of people. But I can also understand that Berlin is also a very well-served destination, and is presumably a cheaper place for people

Re: Is every build kept in the JVM?

2012-09-22 Thread Christopher Orr
For the benefit of anybody not on the developers' mailing list, Kohsuke is currently implementing lazy-loading of job information! This is currently running on and you can beta test the latest lazy-load build by grabbing jenkins.war from there:

Re: jenkins-maven-android when running throwing the error "android-sdk-linux/platforms" is not a directory"

2012-09-23 Thread Christopher Orr
Just to complete this thread, it was resolved on StackOverflow (well, the Ubuntu version) as being a permissions issue: On 09/22/2012 04:17 AM, sam wrote: paste bin On Saturday, September 22, 2012 11:31:02 AM UTC+9:30, sam wrote

Re: Slides from user conference

2012-10-10 Thread Christopher Orr
I think previously has posted some slides and/or videos. You could try asking there, or checking with the organisers at Cloudbees. Regards, Chris On 10/02/2012 01:25 AM, Sarah Woodall wrote: I attended the Jenkins User Conference in San Francisco yesterday. So

Re: Slides from user conference

2012-10-10 Thread Christopher Orr
sted on the same link (as the slides). thanks for attending JUC. Regards, alyssa On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Christopher Orr>> wrote: I think previously <> has posted some slides and/o

Re: What is the difference between multi configuration job and matrix based job?.

2012-10-11 Thread Christopher Orr
There is no difference -- they're two names for the same thing. Are there any particular wiki pages you saw this on? Perhaps we can edit them to clarify the language a bit. Regards, Chris On 11/10/12 15:07, Varghese Renny wrote: I am not understanding it from wiki. Please explain it with

Re: What is the difference between multi configuration job and matrix based job?.

2012-10-12 Thread Christopher Orr
I guess you're referring to the "parent" build that appears when executing a multi-configuration job, which monitors the child builds. This doesn't actually consume an additional executor. But if you want to control which slave this runs on, you can use the Matrix Tie Parent Plugin: https://w

Re: wrong Jenkins picture

2012-10-15 Thread Christopher Orr
According to the changelog at "In celebration of the release number '486', background image will be 80486 for a week." So Mr Jenkins will be back in a week, it seems :) Chris On 15/10/12 09:14, Lars Fischer wrote: Hello, I upgraded to Jenkins version 1.486 a

Re: Access to the execution slot number on a build node

2012-10-22 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, On 10/23/2012 01:17 AM, Michael wrote: I have 4 execution slots on my master node which run similar jobs. I'd like to have access to the number of the slot that a build is running on that I can use it calculate a port offset for each build so that there is no clash of ports. Had a qu

Re: Build based on tag

2012-10-24 Thread Christopher Orr
Could be a job for the Promoted Builds Plugin: That lets you define a manual step on a job, where you have to go in and click "Approve", e.g. to indicate that you've tested it, which can then trigger another job. See also this

Re: ERROR: Publisher hudson.plugins.summary_report.ACIPluginPublisher aborted due to exception

2012-10-27 Thread Christopher Orr
Did you enable the "Archive the artifacts" option, as mentioned on the wiki page? It seems unfortunate that the plugin can't handle it gracefully if you haven't, but that seems to be what's causing this. Chris On 10/19/2012

Re: disable email notifications

2012-11-08 Thread Christopher Orr
Just an idea (haven't tried this myself), but you could try deleting all the global SMTP config and see if that allows jobs to run without throwing errors... On 08/11/12 15:47, Patrick Byrne wrote: I see that I could remove the 'Send email notification' for each job, but I am setting up

Re: Dead Executor

2012-11-09 Thread Christopher Orr
Sounds like it's possibly related to You could add info about your stacktrace, Jenkins config and environment to that bug. On 09/11/12 13:08, RogerS wrote: Hi, I'm relatively new to Jenkins and have created a set of jobs to build our C/C++

Re: AbstractLazyLoadRunMap bug in Jenkins 1.488

2012-11-09 Thread Christopher Orr looks like it's related. So it would likely be helpful if you add this information to that bug. Chris On 02/11/12 12:42, zonybob wrote: The only way I am able to get around this issue currently is to uncheck the following option for the Artif

Re: Jenkins upgrade path

2012-11-19 Thread Christopher Orr
Just wondering... did you really mean Jenkins 1.143 (September 2007), or Jenkins 1.413 (May 2011)? :) On 14/11/2012 17:09, Dale Hoshooley wrote: I'm trying to upgrade Jenkins from version v1.143 to 1.490 and ran into a couple of issues. I've tried the following upgrade paths: * deployed ne

Re: FYI: Jenkins Security Advisory 2012-11-20

2012-11-23 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, On 21/11/12 13:33, Lars Nordin wrote: Request to Cloudbees: please send a notification of this out on the Jenkins user list too There's already a mailing list for this: Regards, Chris

Re: Builds of new configuration in a matrix build are lost after some time.

2012-11-24 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, I had a very similar issue recently with a Mac master (and no slaves), where one of the axis names was changed from "FOO" to "Foo", which caused problems, because Jenkins found the already-existing "axis-FOO" directory, but this caused problems as it didn't match "Foo" exactly. Can

Re: How does Jenkins know tests history

2012-11-25 Thread Christopher Orr
Yes, I believe that's correct -- test results are tracked based on their package and class name. On 23/11/2012 11:55, Yaron Naveh wrote: Hi Check this image. Jenkins says this test failure is a regression (e.g. fails this build, passed previous build). How does Jenkins know to match the resul

Re: NullPointerException while trying to save job configuration

2012-11-28 Thread Christopher Orr
Did you install the Build Failure Analyzer plugin? I started having the exact same problems -- as mentioned in the "Known Issues" for that plugin -- after I installed it. Disabling the plugin fixed things again. On 26/11/2012 07:01, David Resnick wrote: Pushing Apply brings up an empty err

Re: stale jenkins campfire plugin is 2.1, github latest is 2.5

2012-11-30 Thread Christopher Orr
On 30/11/12 04:46, Kevin G. wrote: The version of the campfire notifier plugin you get using the jenkins UI package manager is 2.1, but the latest on the github project page is 2.5: I just built the plugin from source and installed it, but is there an

Re: Build failes with android. The parameter is incorrect

2012-11-30 Thread Christopher Orr
Your path to the Android SDK looks short enough, and the android.bat file doesn't seem to include any other paths aside from ANDROID_SWT. Do you have an ANDROID_SWT environment variable set? Alternatively, do you have a CLASSPATH environment variable set, which could be too long? Chris On

Re: stale jenkins campfire plugin is 2.1, github latest is 2.5

2012-12-01 Thread Christopher Orr
On 01/12/2012 02:57, Kevin G. wrote: I don't see a reason why this shouldn't be released properly... So should I point that out to somebody? Not to make trouble, just want to help out the next guy. I did a release, as version 2.6. It should appear in the Jenkins Update Centre soon-ish.

Re: Build failes with android. The parameter is incorrect

2012-12-03 Thread Christopher Orr
t have definite ANDROID_SWT. It seems like the problem has been fixed. Jesús El viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012 15:06:17 UTC+1, Christopher Orr escribió: Your path to the Android SDK looks short enough, and the android.bat file doesn't seem to include any other paths aside from A

Re: Redeploy the old artifacts

2012-12-06 Thread Christopher Orr
Yeah, if you didn't enable "Archive the artifacts" in the old builds, i.e. you don't have the WAR file (or whatever it is you want to deploy), you'd have to take the approach of re-checking out the source, building and then doing whatever deployment steps you want. But if you *did* archive the

Re: significance of .jenkins diectory tree

2013-01-07 Thread Christopher Orr
On 28/12/12 21:26, Kamal Ahmed wrote: Hi, Does anyone know the significance of /.jenkins and the files/Directories under it? That's where Jenkins stores *all* of its data by default, if you start Jenkins as your user. See Ca

Re: Getting an error when trying to use Copy Artifact Manager

2013-01-08 Thread Christopher Orr
On 01/07/2013 04:55 PM, letstestthis wrote: Copied 0 artifacts from "build" build number 8 Build step 'Copy artifacts from another project' marked build as failure Finished: FAILURE. It is not clear to me as to what the problem is because the console output just says failure. If zero files are

Re: Is it possible to fail build if test time increases by X%

2013-01-08 Thread Christopher Orr
On 01/07/2013 10:57 PM, Keith B. Perry wrote: Hi all, Does anyone know how to do this? Can I fail a build if a test time increases by a certain percentage? For example, if a test takes 100 ms today, but tomorrow it takes 5 seconds...can I have Jenkins fail the build? You can do this for the j

Re: Upgrading from Hudson Windows 1.395 to Jenkins

2013-01-08 Thread Christopher Orr
Upgrading directly from 1.386 is possible. The steps are on the wiki page mentioned: On 01/08/2013 08:19 AM, prathima chowdary wrote: Hello, Is the Direct Upgrade possible for Version : Hudson ver. 1.386 If possible

Re: Jenkins Ant Compile Query

2013-01-08 Thread Christopher Orr
On 01/08/2013 11:40 AM, Justin Mulcahy wrote: I may be posting this on the wrong forum but here goes. I have set up a job (my First) in Jenkins to execute an ant build, the build completes successfully but does not seem to be compiling my java class. I have attached the Build.xml file, Jenkins j

Re: getting currently logged in username in jenkins java plugin

2013-01-09 Thread Christopher Orr
On 09/01/13 06:12, shruthi ganesh wrote: I am writing a plugin to authorize an authenticated user in jenkins. I require the username of the currently logged in user. I have used mysql db for authentication. Is there any possibility of getting the username?. Does jenkins store the user de

Re: jenkins with ldap authentication

2013-01-09 Thread Christopher Orr
On 03/01/13 10:51, Levin, Ilya wrote: I’m trying to use ldap in my Jenkins (v 1.485). I configured the ldap connection under the security relam, and it seems that the connection with the ldap server was established. I did a little test and entered 2 users, a false one and an existing one. As yo

Re: Copy Artifact plugin doesn't traverse entire upstream path

2013-02-11 Thread Christopher Orr
On 06/02/13 06:13, Daniel Becroft wrote: If I have the following setup: jobA -> jobB -> jobC -> jobD As part of jobD's work, I need to copy an artifact from jobA. However, the copy artifact plugin doesn't seem to know about jobA, and I get the following error: Started by upstream project "test

Re: Jenkins 1.501 only partially released

2013-02-11 Thread Christopher Orr
On 11/02/13 14:40, wrote: My Jenkins says that 1.501 is available, but when I go to "install automatically", is fails with and that's correct, the file is not there, at least on the m

Re: JUnit Attachment Plugin - NUnit option?

2013-02-21 Thread Christopher Orr
As far as I remember, the JUnit Attachment plugin code is pretty JUnit-specific, directly using the JUnit support in Jenkins' core. So I'd say there are a few potential alternatives: - Run your NUnit XML through an XSL transform to get JUnit XML, and use the existing plugin. - Do a load of work

Re: Issues after moving to 1.501 With Slave Nodes

2013-02-21 Thread Christopher Orr
On 02/20/2013 06:36 PM, Stephen Connolly wrote: I'm not complaining about the decision to make the change. I just don't see why the side effects had to be a surprise. They were hinted at in the security advisory... I do agree that there could have been better wording for that tho

Re: jenkins wins first place in purim custom content...

2013-03-04 Thread Christopher Orr
Nice! :) On 02/27/2013 02:21 PM, Eyal Edri wrote: Since i manage jenkins for over 2 years now it was natural to dress up as him! I won 1st place in a custom contest of the company with it.. (i even had 3 color balls blue/yellow/red for the builds :) what

Re: Explanation needed: Difference between User and UserProperty

2013-03-04 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, There's a jenkins-dev mailing list where you're more likely to get a response. But in general, a User is a user, and each one can have multiple UserProperties (e.g. their email address is a property, their API token is a property). Chris On 03/04/2013 02:38 PM, Jannik Kett wrot

Re: How do I change my Jenkins JIRA password?

2013-03-20 Thread Christopher Orr On 19/03/13 21:46, Jeff wrote: I'm trying to update my password on the Jenkins JIRA system after receiving my temporary auto-generated password, but there is no change password link anywhere on my profile page. The help says it is not shown if using an external

Re: 1.508 performance regression?

2013-03-31 Thread Christopher Orr
On 03/28/2013 06:27 PM, Russ Tremain wrote: At 2:14 PM +0100 3/28/13, Michaėl Pailloncy wrote: All pages are taking 60 seconds to load each time or just at certain times ? all pages, after initial boot until I shut it down. seemed to get worse over time. You can open a JIRA ticket with GC l

Re: Skype notifications from Jenkins

2013-04-09 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, For info, there's already an existing Skype plugin for Jenkins, in case you're interested: Regards, Chris On 09/04/13 08:50, Mikko Ohtamaa wrote: Hi, I and my friend have been working for a while on open source project Seva

Re: Triggering the build from Git tag

2013-05-28 Thread Christopher Orr
There's an example job configuration [1] for this which you can download with the Recipe Plugin [2]. Though I believe you can only do very basic wildcard matching, e.g. "jenkins-build/*" works as a tag name, but not "jenkins-build-*". Regards, Chris [1]:

Re: which plugin is this

2013-06-02 Thread Christopher Orr
On 05/31/2013 07:56 PM, Kamal Ahmed wrote: and how do we get the pulldown Add pre-build step I believe the Release plugin lets you add pre- and post-build steps. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group

Re: 404 vs 401

2012-03-01 Thread Christopher Orr
On 06/02/2012 01:49, wrote: When a user logs out, closes the browser, and then reopens it (clean start) and loads a bookmark of a project URL which is valid, he gets a 404 (not found) instead of a 401 (not authorised). I don’t think that this is really the right behaviour,

Re: 404 vs 401

2012-03-08 Thread Christopher Orr
n the codebase would I custom patch it to return not authorized or a please logon instead of a 404? Regards, Terry -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Christopher Orr Sent: Friday, 2 March 2012 7:57 AM

Re: Sonar tests fail bevause xvnc plugin was terminated before execution

2012-03-08 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, On 03/05/2012 03:07 PM, MSF wrote: we have some issues with one of our jobs on our Jenkins (1.424.3 = current LTS Version). We are using xvnc (1.10) and Sonar (1.8) plugins. The job fails because the generated xvnc session is terminated before Sonar is started. Can you maybe explain

Re: Jenkins Selenium Plugin - License question

2012-03-10 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, On 03/05/2012 08:31 PM, Greg Hinson wrote: I have a question about the Selenium Plugin for Jenkins. When I looked at the source for the plugin on github ( I didn’t see any license

Re: No more scripts in View/Dashboard description

2012-03-22 Thread Christopher Orr
Kohsuke also recently wrote the "Anything Goes" plugin for markup: Regards, Chris On 03/21/2012 08:40 PM, John Vacz wrote: You can try Page Markup Plugin: With this plugin y

Re: Handling one-build-per-account configurations (Unix)

2012-03-29 Thread Christopher Orr
On 03/28/2012 08:26 PM, Mandeville, Rob wrote: I’m running a build farm with about 60 active branches at a given time. The machines on our build farm can comfortably run 5-8 build and test jobs at any given time, with one stipulation: each build and test job needs to be in its own Unix account. G

Re: Jenkins with iOS development

2012-04-11 Thread Christopher Orr
On 04/02/2012 12:15 AM, Sami Tikka wrote: I am not an iOS developer myself, so I have not run into this problem. Is there anyone here who can verify that adding the SessionCreate setting to orgi.jenkins-ci.plist fixes the problem? Probably this is not the whole solution. The keys and certificates

Re: Hudson timer triggers job for multiple times from time to time

2012-04-11 Thread Christopher Orr
On 04/09/2012 08:41 AM, Nan Cui wrote: Hi, I’m using Hudson v1.363 in my project. There is a disturbing issues troubled me for quite a while. Say I setup a job with a periodical schedule, and then save it. It could be very good chance to see that Hudson triggers the job for 2 or 3 times at the sc

Re: How do i unsubscribe from this list?

2012-04-23 Thread Christopher Orr leads to On 04/23/2012 06:44 PM, Anton Zavrin wrote: what's the command do i email? -- * Anton Zavrin *Senior Systems Administrator Mobile: +1 415 608 1035 Phone: +1 415

Re: Making Feature Branches Effective with Continuous Integration

2012-04-30 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, It's not automated to the extent that this Bamboo feature is, but for select projects I have two Jenkins jobs: one for master, and another job cloned from the first, but using the "Inverse" choosing strategy in the git plugin -- i.e. it builds all branches *except* for master. The o

Re: Android Lint and maven builds

2012-08-07 Thread Christopher Orr
On 07/12/2012 08:15 AM, Patrik Åkerfeldt wrote: For some reason the android-lint report is never created for my android maven builds. In the pre steps I generate the lint-results.xml file, and I have verified that it exists and contains right information. Then, the build step defines the pom and

Re: Open github ticket on failure?

2012-08-07 Thread Christopher Orr
On 06/05/2012 05:56 PM, Andrew Melo wrote: Is there a way to have jenkins open a github ticket if a commit fails? Or would I need to have a custom post-build step for that? You'd have to write your own script to do that, but you could trigger it with the "Post build task" plugin: https://wiki

Re: Open github ticket on failure?

2012-08-07 Thread Christopher Orr
useful for? Andrew Melo Sent from my secret fortress. On Aug 7, 2012, at 18:58, Christopher Orr wrote: On 06/05/2012 05:56 PM, Andrew Melo wrote: Is there a way to have jenkins open a github ticket if a commit fails? Or would I need to have a custom post-build step for that? You'

Re: Returning 404 rather than 403

2012-08-09 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, On 08/09/2012 02:33 PM, Tim Pizey wrote: I have done a little googleing around the practice of returning 404 rather than 403 for unauthorised access. Most people seem to think it is bad practice. I imagine the motivation is to prevent automatic url guessing. It would be preferable,

Re: SVN changes/commit messages, and env variable

2012-08-09 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, On 08/09/2012 05:05 PM, Michael Hüttermann wrote: with Subversion, how can I get the SCM changes that triggered that Jenkins build (the change log, or part of it) and assign that to an environment variable for further usage, if not already present in an env variable somehow? The quest

Re: backup/restore "publish over ssh" servers

2012-08-09 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, On 08/09/2012 09:33 PM, Brant Boehmann wrote: I am using the publish over ssh plugin. I have roughly 100 different servers configured for various applications to get automatically deployed to in a development environment. We have outgrown our Jenkins environment and are configuring a n

Re: Changing the connection check URL

2012-08-14 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, On 08/13/2012 12:04 PM, Marc Esher wrote: My Jenkins server is sitting behind a firewall that does not permit outbound access to most of the internet. I was able to get an exclusion for for purposes of using Jenkins auto updater and installing plugins. However, the conne

Re: Custom Action: Sending E-Mail

2012-08-14 Thread Christopher Orr
On 08/14/2012 11:43 AM, jwa wrote: I've written a custom action, to integrate with some third-party proprietary mechanisms internally within the company I work for. This is all working well, however - I'd like to send an e-mail when the action has finished. Can I obtain a handle to Jenkin's e-m

Re: Why does redirect to a broken mirror?

2012-08-14 Thread Christopher Orr
On 08/14/2012 10:23 AM, Chris Withers wrote: On 14/08/2012 08:47, oliver gondža wrote: According to this status report, is the only mirror that might cause problems. *sigh* FYI, that mirror is fixed now. Regards, Chris

Re: Jenkins Android Emulator plugin is no longer working

2012-08-24 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, Somebody else already reported this to me and filed an issue about it: It seems to be an issue starting with SDK Tools r20.0.3 -- I'll check it out. Regards, Chris On 08/23/2012 11:52 PM, Sam Xiao wrote: Hi all, I updated the Android SDK in my

Re: Jenkins Android Emulator plugin is no longer working

2012-08-27 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi again, As I just wrote in -- I'm really having a tough time reproducing this myself. Can you give any other hints about your environment? Which OS? 32- or 64-bit? Did this work on a previous version of the Android SDK Tools -- if so, which version? Ar

Re: parameterize downstream job with user prompt

2012-08-29 Thread Christopher Orr
On 08/29/2012 08:46 AM, Michael Hüttermann wrote: can I somehow parameterize a downstream build job with a String where I offer a default value and the user gets a prompt to commit the value or can enter a different one? When would the user enter this? When starting the upstream job, presumabl

Re: Jenkins Android Emulator plugin is no longer working

2012-08-31 Thread Christopher Orr
No, that's JENKINS-13420. Chris On 08/29/2012 12:49 AM, SamL wrote: Hello Folks. I am seeing the same problem Jenkins Core 1.459 Android Emulator Plugin 2.1 My slave is a 64Bit MacOs ProductName: Mac OS X Server ProductVer

Re: parameterize downstream job with user prompt

2012-08-31 Thread Christopher Orr
sh that? Thanks. Michael Am Mittwoch, den 29.08.2012, 14:54 +0200 schrieb Christopher Orr : On 08/29/2012 08:46 AM, Michael Hüttermann wrote: can I somehow parameterize a downstream build job with a String where I offer a default value and the user gets a prompt to commit the value or can enter

Unwanted symlink behaviour with Java 1.6 and git-client-plugin 1.6.5+

2014-03-27 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi all, We discovered a subtle bug yesterday with the Git Client plugin and its use of jgit (even if you're using the default command-line git implementation). I just noticed that this bug was probably fixed today by a pull request, but it's worth letting Jenkins users know about this. If

Re: Help required for Android plugin - 'use emulator snapshots'

2014-05-13 Thread Christopher Orr
On 10/05/14 00:49, Charles Chan wrote: I have been trying to use the snapshot functionality in the Android plugin but somehow it keeps creating a new snapshot every time. I looked at the code EmulatorConfig.hasExistingSnapshot(), and saw the comment. But I don't think it apply? // Wor

Re: Jenkins change language intermitentily

2014-06-17 Thread Christopher Orr
It seems that the "Default Language" field could do with some (better) documentation. You could try entering "en" or "en_US" instead of "ENGLISH" in the field you mentioned and see if that improves things, as this value should be compatible with the Java Locale class. Not having read the Java

Re: Google Play Developer API Jenkins Plugin

2014-08-04 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi Josh, On 08/01/2014 08:26 PM, Josh Moore wrote: I am wondering if anyone is working on a plugin to publish an APK to the Google play store now that Google has released an API to do it? I'd like to check before I bother trying to create a

Re: HipChat plugin - can it be modified to publish to on prem?

2014-08-14 Thread Christopher Orr
On 08/14/2014 07:29 PM, VFloyd wrote: Morning, We run Jenkins on premises and are testing HipChat integration, which would also be on premises. There are lots of firewall, pci, etc issues. Has anyone gotten this type of setup to work? When we looked in GitHub it looks like the HipChat plugin o

Re: Recently upgraded to Jenkins 1.576 seeing one of the builds running continuously with no changes

2014-09-03 Thread Christopher Orr
On 08/28/2014 09:34 PM, rajesh wrote: Hello, we recently upgraded to Jenkins 1.576 we are using Stash to host the git repository. Jenkins build machine is Linux centos the build keeps running back to back and never stops (about 17000 builds completed ). Have you checked the build pages, console

Re: Block jobs running on same node

2014-09-28 Thread Christopher Orr
On 09/29/2014 12:25 AM, Andrew Sumner wrote: I need similar behaviour to the Build Blocker Plugin but only block matches on the same node. Ideally if another nodes is free then the build should be shunted across to it. I don't want to reduce the executor count as that would stop other, unrestri

Re: Allowing a job to run (triggered manually) only if a specific list of jobs are "blue" successful

2014-10-24 Thread Christopher Orr
On 09/10/14 15:38, Alon Nisser wrote: Is there a way to achieve that? getting the status of other jobs and checking if last run was "success"? I don't want to automatically run this deployment job on the upstream success, but to trigger this manually. but still safeguard by checking upstream (mu

Re: Jenkins on Windows: BSoD and Fortify

2014-10-30 Thread Christopher Orr
On 28/10/14 16:56, wrote: From the website we understand that the BSoD problem has been worked around in Jenkins version 1.580.x or higher. This means that upgrading to one of the latest (non LTS) versions would be a (temporary) solution for our problem.

Re: Automating Jenkins Deployments with Chef

2015-01-15 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, On 01/12/2015 01:46 PM, Kenneth Baltrinic wrote: I am working on creating a chef cookbook to automate our Jenkins infrastructure. I am using the opscode Jenkins cookbook as my starting point but it only has a few basic resources. I can see I am going to need use the cookbook's jenkin

Re: Security in Copy Artifact Plugin

2015-01-15 Thread Christopher Orr
On 01/15/2015 01:45 PM, Nigel Robbins wrote: Does anyone know the underlying tool/protocol (e.g. sftp) that is used to copy artifacts between jobs/nodes ? As with all communications between Jenkins nodes, the internal TCP remoting mechanism is most likely used:

Re: downloads from never finish...

2015-01-16 Thread Christopher Orr
On 16/01/15 16:16, Aaron Johnson wrote: Can someone please verify this: I am unable to download RPMs from, example: The download starts, and goes very slow (less than 5Kbps) and never finishes...

Re: how to get prqa-plugin.hpi

2015-11-18 Thread Christopher Orr
See On 13/11/15 03:19, zhangkm wrote: > Hi, > why I can't get the plugin(prqa-plugin.hpi) from > ? > > It always prompts error ,"The requested URL /latest/prqa-plugin.hpi was n

Re: Future of the Maven Project Type

2015-11-18 Thread Christopher Orr
On 18/11/15 11:47, Stephen Connolly wrote: > My plan, once I come up with a better name for literate, is to have that > project type be able to provide smart builds of Maven projects with near > zero configuration (other than adding a marker file to say literate > should consider this as a valid br

Re: Jenkins not saving P12 certificate from Google Service Account from private key

2015-11-18 Thread Christopher Orr
Do you see the files being created in $JENKINS_HOME/credentials/gauth (that's from memory, so not 100% sure on the path)? Are those gauth p12 filenames listed in $JENKINS_HOME/credentials.xml? On 18/11/15 19:45, Andrew Novinger wrote: > For some reason Jenkins lost the original p12 certificate f

Re: Jenkins not saving P12 certificate from Google Service Account from private key

2015-11-20 Thread Christopher Orr
Weird. There should be `emailAddress` and `p12KeyFile` tags within `serviceAccountConfig`. I see that v0.4 of the plugin came out recently which, from a quick look at the code changes, makes some changes in how the data is stored — but I tested with 0.3, upgrading to 0.4, and re-saving with 0.4 a

Re: Jenkins not saving P12 certificate from Google Service Account from private key

2015-11-21 Thread Christopher Orr
Which platform is this happening on? There's a report from a Windows user here: It did seem to be working for me on Linux, as that user also reports. On 21/11/15 00:30, Christopher Orr wrote: > Weird. There should be `emailAddr

Re: How to use proxy socks with Jenkins

2015-11-27 Thread Christopher Orr
It should work if you use the regular Java proxy properties: i.e. "socksProxyHost" and co: Regards, Chris On 27/11/15 12:34, donovan.bailey2...@gmail.c

Re: android-x86 or Genymotion emulators with Jenkins

2015-12-01 Thread Christopher Orr
Genymotion emulators should automatically become available via adb, so you shouldn't have to do any special setup. If not, you can get the IP address of the emulator via the Genymotion shell (I believe the shell command is "devices list"), and then run `adb connect $IP`. On 01/12/15 14:36, Kirsh

Re: Get API token using API

2015-12-01 Thread Christopher Orr
On 30/11/15 16:51, wrote: > Is it possible to get the API token using the API after authenticating > with the users real password? No, user API tokens are not exposed via the API. Regards, Chris -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "

Re: Build flow "build" function doesn't return a build object if FAILED or UNSTABLE

2015-12-01 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, On 01/12/15 14:17, Valeriy Leykin wrote: > I'm using the build flow in my jobs and I would like to get any build > result from build object even if the build is failed or unstable. I haven't used Build Flow, but I would guess that this is a basic scoping problem. BUILD_TO_RETURN is def

Re: How to use proxy socks with Jenkins

2015-12-01 Thread Christopher Orr
t; > On Friday, 27 November 2015 23:52:58 UTC, Christopher Orr wrote: > > It should work if you use the regular Java proxy properties: > > <> >

Re: Get job schedule from API

2015-12-04 Thread Christopher Orr
Only part of the job config is exposed in the API. For example, SCM info is there, but not build triggers. I imagine you could file a feature request for that :) Though there is at least a way of programmatically grabbing the job config, so if you're authenticated, you can parse the XML, e.g.:

Re: Zero Day attack due to Apache Commons statement to widespread Java object de-serialisation vulnerability

2015-12-07 Thread Christopher Orr
Also note that, if you're planning a Jenkins upgrade anyway, there's another Jenkins release coming out tomorrow (1.625.3) to fix one or more new security issues:!topic/jenkinsci-advisories/UbJeKl4Vxbw So, you may want to apply the CLI workaround from the blog pos

Re: Groovy Question: revision from job?

2015-12-09 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, On 09/12/15 23:40, Guy Matz wrote: > Hi! Anyone know how I can retrieve the git revision from a job? > > I can get to the build: > > j = Jenkins.instance.getJob('render-master') > b475 = j.getBuildByNumber(475) > > but I can't find a way to to get the git revision associated with tha

Re: Groovy Question: revision from job?

2015-12-10 Thread Christopher Orr
ly done!! How the heck was I supposed to know that!? :-( The API > is less than intuitive and does not seem to be well documented. Any > advice on how to best use it? > > Thanks again!! > > On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 7:28 PM, Christopher Orr <>> wrot

Re: [xvfb-plugin] fails second time

2015-12-10 Thread Christopher Orr
On 10/12/15 21:19, V. Mark Lehky wrote: > I have just installed the xvfb-plugin on my Jenkins: > - Linux jenkins 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.68-1+deb7u6 x86_64 GNU/Linux > - Xvfb Version: 2:1.12.4-6+deb7u6 > - Jenkins ver. 1.641 > - Xvfb plugin 1.1.2 > > I configured everything with defaults a

Re: which logo do you like best?

2015-12-14 Thread Christopher Orr
Something like #2 would be good — #6 is also ok. Don't forget to get permission to use the Jenkins trademark! :D Regards, Chris On 14/12/15 20:17, Alyssa Tong wrote: > Hello, > > Planning is underway for Jenkins World 2016 in Santa Clara, CA. This > will be a three days Jenkins conference for

Re: Java API for Team Foundation Server

2016-01-08 Thread Christopher Orr
On 07/01/16 18:01, Andy Falanga wrote: > Does anyone know the source (not the code but who produces) for the Java > API used by the Jenkins Team Foundation Server plugin? The plugin bundles a JAR file: Th

Re: Thread hijacking

2016-01-08 Thread Christopher Orr
On 08/01/16 07:58, Dirk Heinrichs wrote: > please don't hijack other peoples threads, it's considered bad habit. False accusations are bad as well ;) The parent didn't hijack any threads, as you can see from a regular email client, the Google Groups web page for the thread, or from the headers of

Re: Problem in Cloudbees custom build environment plugin integration with Jenkins

2016-01-08 Thread Christopher Orr
Hi there, On 08/01/16 09:59, puneet singh wrote: > I am using cloudbees custom build environment plugin to create docker > container and run CI build inside it. > I'm facing following error kindly help me with this. > > ERROR: Processing failed due to a bug in the code. Please report this to > j

Re: Security best practice for Cloudbees Docker Workflow?

2016-01-09 Thread Christopher Orr
On 09/01/16 13:44, Thomas Goeppel wrote: > Hello community, > > I've been experimenting with the Cloudbees Docker Workflow plugin, and I > really like the ease of use of this DSL. Now I'd like to get security right. > > Problem: the plugin assumes that the docker binary is in the path >

Re: Slack Plugin doesn't notify channel

2016-01-14 Thread Christopher Orr
Feel free to just add documentation to the wiki page (as it suggests you do), since that's the place most people will look for information: says Regards, Chris On 14/01/16 19:28, Brenton wrote: > So who wants to write up a PR? :) > > On 1

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