Calling java static methods from groovy dsl

2019-04-08 Thread Akshay Paturkar
Hi All , I am using jenkins shared library framework , where i have requirement to publish unit test results upon completion of stage. i have written logic for publishing result to database in java file called which contains different static method to push results to database. I

Re: Requirement to run a set of tasks for a build in parallel, The tasks for the build are dynamic it may change

2019-04-08 Thread Akshay Paturkar
Hi Basanta , you can try custom implementation for parallal stage something like below. def parallelConverge(instanceNames, targets, runPhase, customParam) { def parallelNodes = [:] for (instance in instanceNames) { def moduleName = instance else { parallelNodes

calling another job from parent job

2018-11-12 Thread Akshay Paturkar
Hi All, i am trying to call job from another job and able to do it by following below instructions . But I am not able to see stages executed under called job. how do we enable stages of called job to be displayed under build job stage ?