Re: Need help - build "Execute Shell"

2020-07-29 Thread
by any chance this issue is resolved for you ? if yes then how ? please advise. On Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 10:27:40 AM UTC+2 wrote: > Jenkins ver. 2.190.3 on RHEL-7.7 > > Hello Jenkins Gurus / Users, > Has anyone come across similar issues as me & reso

Re: Need help - build "Execute Shell"

2020-07-29 Thread
and how it worked for you: ssh password less connection works fine (using rsa public key). i followed below steps to do this: i followed below steps to resolve it till now but didnt work: - Create an SSH key pair (public/private) Ran the command “ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "Jenkins

Re: Need help - build "Execute Shell"

2020-07-29 Thread 'Björn Pedersen' via Jenkins Users
>- > > >Create an SSH key pair (public/private) Ran the command “ssh-keygen -t >rsa -C "Jenkins agent key" -f "jenkinsAgent_rsa" “ >- > >Create an SSH credential in the Jenkins machine and put the private >key there Created the credentials and put jenkinsA

Re: Need help - build "Execute Shell"

2020-07-29 Thread
thanks, i try this way . Could you please also suggest Create an SSH key pair this step should be executed on jenkins server or ssh server. till now i have executed on ssh server On Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 2:38:02 PM UTC+2 wrote: > >>- >> >> >>Creat

Re: Help required: jenkins SSH connectivity issue

2020-07-29 Thread jeremy mordkoff
There are two SSH keys involved when establishing a session The one you are setting here is the key used ti identify the client to the server (host). There is also the key that the server (host) sends down to the client. You can see this the first time you ssh to a host and it asks you if you

Re: Issue sending email

2020-07-29 Thread Greg Yeomans
Greetings, just wanted to check back with you on this.  Is there some information I can get you to help resolve this issue. Greg Yeomans Senior Linux Administrator Venuetize Logo Venues. Monetized. M: +1.813.719.5757 |

Re: Issue sending email

2020-07-29 Thread Slide
Can you share a redacted (blur out the username/etc info) screenshot of your email-ext configuration? On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 8:47 AM Greg Yeomans wrote: > Greetings, just wanted to check back with you on this. Is there some > information I can get you to help resolve this issue. > > Greg Yeoma

Re: Need help - build "Execute Shell"

2020-07-29 Thread jeremy mordkoff
Normally a SSH keypair is created on the client (in your case the jenkins server) and then the public key is copied to the server. This is more secure because the private key is created on the client and is never copied anywhere else. This level of security is rarely needed or enforced in a la

cannot get build causes

2020-07-29 Thread Tom Brownridge
Hello, I am new and am fundamentally misunderstanding pipeline syntax and cannot relate the examples in the documentation. What am I missing? Looking at the example here:, I see a